Anthropological records of primitive times show that people used to communicate using hand gestures, signals, and odd sounds before the existence of language. However, as the concept of linguistics came to exist about 10,000 years ago, it provided local tribes with a mode of communication that was standardized and hence, more comprehensible. This changed human civilization’s course as it led to the formation of cultures and norms — both notions being unfamiliar in the primitive societies of basic hunter-gatherers.
However, what was more interesting was how suddenly these cultures could be preserved in the form of writings, usually done on stone tablets, cave walls, animal hides, and wood, etc. Bits and pieces of these ancient writing materials are, unfortunately, the only records we have left to determine how the art of linguistics formed the unique tapestry of past kingdoms.
From a language that is known to be borderless to a language with over 100,000 characters, these are the 7 oldest languages known to us that are spoken today.


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Spoken almost exclusively in the Basque country by approximately 750,000 native speakers and about 1,185,000 passive speakers, Baque remains an ancient language that is unique for many reasons. For starters, despite intensive research by linguists into Basque literature, its origins still remain a mystery. Some vague theories predict that it predates the Roman, Spanish and French languages, making it one of the oldest languages in Western Europe. It is undoubtedly a language that was always obscure and endured through time by surviving in forgotten corners of the world.
What makes Basque even more unique is that it enjoys the status of one of the very few ‘isolate languages’ in the world, meaning that it draws no geographical or genetic roots from any of the living languages today. Despite being natively spoken by a small population of Spain and France, it remains completely unrelated to Spanish and French. Some linguists theorize a connection of Basque to other unique languages such as Chechen and Georgian in the Caucasus Mountains. Although the limited literature on Basque hinders further research into it, it still holds immense cultural, historical, and sentimental significance to the Basque people.

巴斯克語的獨(dú)特之處在于它是世界上為數(shù)不多的 "孤立語言 "之一,這意味著它與當(dāng)今任何一種活的語言都沒有任何地理或遺傳根源。盡管西班牙和法國的一小部分人使用這種語言,但巴斯克語與西班牙語和法語完全沒有關(guān)系,一些語言學(xué)家理論上認(rèn)為巴斯克語與其他獨(dú)特的語言,如高加索山脈的車臣語和格魯吉亞語之間存在聯(lián)系,雖然有限的巴斯克文獻(xiàn)阻礙了對(duì)它的進(jìn)一步研究,但它對(duì)巴斯克人來說仍然具有巨大的文化、歷史和情感意義。

Photo Credits: Quartz
Tamil holds the distinction of being the oldest living language in the world, and despite drawing its roots from 2000 years ago, it still continues to be widely popular today. In fact, it is the 20th world language with the highest first language speakers serving as the official languages of Sri Lanka, Singapore, and India (particularly popular in Tamil Nadu). It belongs to the Dravidian family, which comprises languages native to southern and eastern India. Surprisingly, it has no genetic similarities to Hindi and is not even understood by most people speaking Hindi. It also holds a rich written history, with archaeologists discovering some Tamil inscxtions that date back to 300 BCE, making it more than 2200 years old and still surviving, developing, and evolving through modernity.

事實(shí)上,它在世界上使用人口數(shù)最多的語言中排名第20位,是斯里蘭卡、新加坡和印度的官方語言( 泰米爾納德邦尤其流行),它屬于達(dá)羅毗荼語系,包括印度南部和東部的土著語言,令人驚訝的是,它與印地語沒有基因上的相似之處,甚至大多數(shù)說印地語的人都聽不懂,它還擁有豐富的書寫歷史,考古學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些可以追溯到公元前300年的泰米爾銘文,因此,它有2200多年的歷史,而且還在現(xiàn)代社會(huì)中生存、發(fā)展和演變。

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One of the oldest yet prestigious languages in the world, the Aramaic language belongs to the Afro-Asiatic region and was spoken by people thousands of years ago — 3100 plus years to be exact. Not only is this language old, but it was also highly coveted in the royal courts, where it was used as the official language for multiple royal dynasties. It is also seen that Arabic and other older languages also took words from the Aramaic language and can find their roots in it. Some parts of the Bible were also translated to it because of its accessibility. The scxt that is used is one of its only kind and is easily distinguishable due to its uniqueness. Even in modern times, Aramaic has survived with people from all over the world, from America to Russia, speaking it. It is estimated that over 1 million people speak Aramaic as their first language.

阿拉姆語是世界上最古老且享有盛譽(yù)的語言之一,屬于亞非地區(qū),在數(shù)千年前 ( 確切地說是3100多年前 ) 就被人們所使用。

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Chinese has to be one of the most unique languages spoken or even written. With over 100,000 characters making up different words, phrases, and sentences, it is no surprise that the Chinese language has gained its prestige over the long period of time it has been around. It is also the inspiration for several other languages, such as the Japanese language, which itself is highly intricate. Only the Chinese language could itself be so complex that it heavily influenced another highly complex language. Records going back up to even 1250 BCE, the Chinese language is spoken by over 1.3 Billion people. This makes it one of the most spoken languages in the world.


Photo Credits: Wikipedia
The Arab world is known for its Golden Age under the Islamic empire, which put the Arabic language on the map for the entire world. However, this ancient Semite language was being used as far as 125 AD. Arabic is popular for the beautiful phonetic style that it can sound, which was best displayed in the works of poets in the Arab world and when at its height, was reflected in the Quran, which is one of the most read books in the world. Arabic itself consists of many different dialects and variants; however, most of it has been unified under Classical Arabic. Arabic has also been the inspiration behind languages like Urdu, which also has a scxt similar to Arabic.


Photo Credits: Guide to Iceland
The Vikings’ language, Icelandic, takes roots from the Norse culture and derives its scxt from the Old Norse languages. Despite being as old as it is, it is still spoken as the first language by over 3 million people worldwide, ranging from Iceland to even Canada. The Old Norse language’s heavy influence is more potent than any other language on Icelandic — even the Danish people did not have a more substantial impact on it. Due to this, it is said that people that can speak and read Icelandic would have easily survived in the Norse era and would have read and spoken the language without any hassle. For a language to survive this long without any change and be compatible in times and culture so different is a remarkable feat.


Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons
Written in an altered version of the Arabic language, Persian, or Farsi as it is commonly known, is a language that dates back 2500 years. It was the Persian Empire’s official language and has left an indelible mark in regions of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and other surrounding areas. Despite being a uniform singular language of the Persian Empire, multiple variants such as the Dari, Tajik, etc., emerged for Persian. In Tajikistan, it was also being written in a different scxt than Arabic called the Cyrillic alphabet. Persian, like other languages rooted in the Islamic world, has drawn inspiration from the religion; most of the Persian writers’ fine work is in dedication to Islam. It is often said that Farsi is the language of the Sufi saints of Islam.


Final Thoughts
Language is something that we rarely pay attention to in our everyday lives because it is second nature to communicate in it. However, if one stops to think about the unique ways that this powerful tool bridges the divide and gap between human beings, its importance is truly highlighted. Without this tool, all of our inventions would be lost, our history erased. Hence language is not only just a tool for communication but also one of self-preservation of the human species.
