Mountagha Sow
France is indeed a powerful country.
In the EU, France has the most extensive military capabilities comprising nuclear attack submarines, an aircraft carrier, a stockpile of ballistic missiles, long-range nuclear missiles and the likes. Through EADS, Eurocopter and others, France is also in the top three exporters of weapons of all kinds. The biggest deals on the table (at the time of writing this answer) are the sale of Mistral helicopter-carriers (along with submarines) to Russia and Brazil.
Furthermore, and unlike most countries, France is able to project its forces far from its homeland. That is thanks to military bases in United Arab Emirates (another client for French-made weapons), the French Carribeans, South Pacific (Wallis and Futuna) and many others (notably in Africa).


Along with Germany, France is a founding member of the European unx and, as such, wields enormous influence over European affairs. For example, it is after the French refusal of the 2005 proposal for a European Constitution that the project was amended into the Lisbon Treaty (now in force).


For better or for worse, France has been a driving force of African politics for the better part of the 20th century. Obviously, that was due in large part to France's colonial past. However, there are remnants of that colonial past to this day. Fourteen African countries use what is called the CFA Franc. It is an artificial currency pegged to euro. Its value is fixed by the French Public Treasury and backed by deposits of gold from these African countries to the Bank of France. Since the CFA Franc is not directly convertible in any other currency but the Euro, France effectively has the levers of macroeconomic policy of 14 African countries (the better part of the countries surrounding the Gulf of Guinea).

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Let's also add that since the founding of the UN, France has had a permanent seat at the Security Council (with a veto right). French is also one of the official languages of the UN.
There is also what could be called a tradition of having a French at the head of the International Monetary Fund (Michel Camdessus, Dominique Strauss-Kahn et Christine Lagarde are the most memorable).


France is an economic powerhouse (roughly the size of California). It is a world leader in Energy (Total, Alstom, Areva), Construction (Vinci, Bouygues), Telecommunications (Orange), Automobile (Renault-Nissan), Pharmaceutics (Sanofi-Aventis), Telecommunications (Alcatel-Lucent), Chemistry (Air Liquide) and many others.
A CapGemini World Wealth Report recently showed that France is tied with the UK when it comes to number a millionaires in USD (at 430 000 on a population of 65 million).
Eurostat (the EU's statistics agency) has establish that French workers have the highest hourly productivity in Europe (beating the Germans and Swedes). France has, in the last decades, consistently ranked among the most productive nations in the world.


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From times immemorial, France was the granary of Europe (which made it self-sufficient long before many other European countries). In his Commentaries on the Gallic Wars (Commentarii de Bello Gallico), Julius Ceasar recounts how tribes coming from today's Germany tried to conquer Gaul to seize its fertile soils.
Nowadays, it is still an agricultural powerhouse. As of 2008, it received a fifth of the annual 130 billion euros invested annually by the EU in agriculture (Common Agricultural Policy).


Cultural influence
The French language is an important element of France's soft power. It is spoken by anywhere between 220 and 292 million people. A study by Natixis Bank (cited by Forbes) even goes as far as predicting that French will be the most widely spoken language in the coming decades. In any event, with the use of French, comes enormous cultural influence. That influence also has an institutional basis. Since 1637, the Académie Fran?aise has standardized, organised and rationalised the French language thus setting the rules followed by tens of millions of people across the globe.

法語是法國軟實(shí)力的重要組成部分。全球有2.2億到2.9億人使用法語。法國外貿(mào)銀行的一項(xiàng)研究(其研究成果曾被《福布斯》雜志引用)甚至預(yù)言,在未來幾十年,法語將成為全世界使用最廣泛的語言。無論如何,法語的普及帶來了巨大的文化影響力。法語的影響力有其制度根基。自1637年以來,Académie Fran?aise已經(jīng)使法語標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化、組織化和合理化,為全球數(shù)千萬人制定了規(guī)則。

Since the 1990s, France sits on top of world tourism rankings (Paris being the most visited city in the world) thus spreading its culture and history. Actually, Paris's aura is such that during WWII Hitler specifically prohibited the LuftWaffe from bombing the city in order to preserve its beauty.

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Is it even necessary to mention its literature, its philosophers, its gastronomy (which has been declared to be part of the world's intangible heritage)? Those cultural attributes draws over 260 000 foreign students each year who leave the country with a head of French values and art de vivre.

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One could go on and on about France. The bottom line is that it is a country that draws its power from a rich and ancient history, a long tradition of innovation and intellectual pursuit.
