Cargo thefts jump more than 40% along the West Coast because ports are unable to guard the mountain of containers yet to be unloaded due to supply backlog

由于供應(yīng)積壓,港口無法保護(hù)大量尚未卸貨的集裝箱,西海岸的貨物盜竊案增加了 40% 以上

發(fā)表: 2021 年 11 月 2 日

Cargo thefts along the West Coast - home to the nation's largest ports - have jumped 42 percent since last year.
The correlation between the California ports' logjam and crime rise came was hardly a shock to crime and theft specialist Scott Cornell.
'The more that the supply chain in general is backed up, the more cargo you're going to have sitting and that creates a bigger opportunity for thefts,' crime and theft specialist at insurance company Travelers Scott Cornell, told CBS MoneyWatch.

自去年以來,美國最大港口所在地西海岸的貨物盜竊案增加了 42%。

More than $5million in consumer goods were stolen in California during the third-quarter of 2021, according to cargo theft recovery and prevention network CargoNet - another blow to the state's beleaguered ports.
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which move about 40 percent of shipped cargo entering the U.S., are struggling with an unprecedented backlog that’s slowing the nation’s overall supply chain ahead of the holidays.
The backlog is exacerbated by thousands of empty shipping containers sitting on the ports, creating a logistical nightmare for truckers trying to move product.
Meanwhile, ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach have fired a warning shot against shippers letting their empty containers linger on docks too long, saying they could soon charge up to $35,000 per month – per unit – for abandoned boxes.

根據(jù)貨物盜竊追回和預(yù)防網(wǎng)絡(luò) CargoNet 的數(shù)據(jù),2021 年第三季度加州有超過500萬美元的消費(fèi)品被盜,這是對(duì)該州陷入困境的港口的又一次打擊。
大約 40% 的進(jìn)入美國的運(yùn)輸貨物經(jīng)由洛杉磯和長灘的港口運(yùn)送,它們正在努力應(yīng)對(duì)前所未有的積壓,這在(圣誕)假期前導(dǎo)致了美國的整體供應(yīng)鏈減緩。
與此同時(shí),洛杉磯和長灘的港口對(duì)托運(yùn)人讓空集裝箱在碼頭逗留時(shí)間過長發(fā)出警告,稱他們很快就會(huì)對(duì)未回收的箱子收取每月高達(dá) 35,000 美元的費(fèi)用。

It's another blow for the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

California was the state most targeted by freight thieves during the third-quarter, CargoNet said in its most recent supply chain analysis.
While theft and fraud cases throughout the U.S. and Canada declined overall year-over-year, a 42 percent uptick in thefts was observed on the West Coast.
California has been leading the nation in cargo thefts for the entire year, having reported 208 cases of freight looting through September 30.
‘This comes as no surprise, as California continues to struggle with frequent thefts of high-end computer electronics shipments,’ CargoNet said in a statement.

雖然整個(gè)美國和加拿大的盜竊和欺詐案件同比整體下降,但西海岸的盜竊案件卻增加了 42%。
加州在全年的貨物盜竊案中一直領(lǐng)先全國,截至9月 30日已報(bào)告了208 起貨物搶劫案件。
CargoNet 在一份聲明中說:“這不足為奇,因?yàn)榧永D醽喞^續(xù)與頻繁的高端計(jì)算機(jī)電子產(chǎn)品盜竊案作斗爭?!?/b>

‘…Cargo thieves continued to show a strong preference for computer electronics shipments and nearly 70 percent of these thefts in the third quarter of 2021 occurred in California.’
Texas had the second-highest rate of cargo thieves this year with 162 cases reported during the year's first nine months. Florida recorded 117 cases

“……貨物盜竊犯們繼續(xù)表現(xiàn)出對(duì)計(jì)算機(jī)電子產(chǎn)品運(yùn)輸?shù)膹?qiáng)烈偏好,2021 年第三季度近 70% 的盜竊發(fā)生在加利福尼亞。”

California led the nation in cargo thefts in a trend largely driven by demand for electronics


California reported 208 cargo thefts during the first nine months of 2021, handily outpacing other states such as Texas, Florida, and Illinois
California reported 208 cargo thefts during the first nine months of 2021, handily outpacing other states such as Texas, Florida, and Illinois
Electronics accounted for 49 percent of California's stolen goods, and household items accounted for an additional 15 percent in lifted loot, CargoNet said in its third-quarter report.
Other popular items among criminals included clothes, accessories, food and drinks.
California cargo haulers reported 62 thefts during the third quarter at an average loss of $233,000 per crime, CargoNet said.
About $5.28 million in consumer goods was stolen during the timefrx.

CargoNet 在其第三季度報(bào)告中稱,電子產(chǎn)品占加州贓物的 49%,家居用品占被盜贓物的 15%。
CargoNet 稱,加州貨運(yùn)公司在第三季度報(bào)告了 62 起盜竊案,每次犯罪平均損失 233,000 美元。
在此期間,約有 528 萬美元的消費(fèi)品被盜。

The LA and Long Beach ports – collectively known as the San Pedro Bay port complex – were initially set to begin billing carriers Monday for empty containers that have overstayed their welcome
The mass congestion of vacant units is monopolizing space in nearby truck lots, blocking filled containers from getting moved, and crippling efficiency.
But executives voted last Friday to delay issuing fines until at least November 15 while they assess the situation.

但高管們上周五投票決定將罰款的發(fā)放時(shí)間至少推遲到 11 月 15 日,以便他們?cè)u(píng)估情況。

Port of Los Angeles executive director Gene Seroka said authorities tried getting shippers to voluntarily comply with removing empty containers before resorting to a fine system +7
Port of Los Angeles executive director Gene Seroka said authorities tried getting shippers to voluntarily comply with removing empty containers before resorting to a fine system
If the fee structure is implemented, it would bring $100 per container, per day charges for containers moving by truck or ship that have been dwelling nine days or more.
Containers continuing their journey by rail have six days to get off the terminal.
The fine system is incremental, rising $100 each day, meaning a carrier would be charged about $45,000 for letting a container sit a month beyond deadline.

如果實(shí)施收費(fèi),對(duì)于用車船運(yùn)輸?shù)募b箱已滯留 9天以上的,每個(gè)集裝箱每天將收取 100 美元的費(fèi)用。
罰款系統(tǒng)是遞增的,每天增加 100 美元,這意味著承運(yùn)人入宮讓集裝箱在截止日期后滯留一個(gè)月,將被收取約 45,000 美元。

Gene Seroka, the port’s executive director, said authorities tried enticing shippers with the carrot before turning to the stick.
‘We’ve tried diplomacy,’ he told CNBC Tuesday. ‘We’ve tried collaboration, operations meetings all around, and nothing has moved the needle just yet. This is a last resort and one I didn’t want to have to take, but we’re starting to see movement.’

港口執(zhí)行董事吉恩·塞羅卡(Gene Seroka)表示,在轉(zhuǎn)向大棒之前,當(dāng)局曾試圖用胡蘿卜誘惑托運(yùn)人。

About 40 percent of import containers on terminals have been idling for at least nine days, the Port of Long Beach said in a press release.
Before consumer demand exploded in mid-2020, containers would typically sit at terminals for less than four days.
Any money collected from the fees will be put toward programs to help the port work more efficiently and address congestion impacts, the press release said.
‘Our obxtive with this program is not to generate revenue,’ said Los Angeles Harbor Commission president Jaime Lee. ‘Instead, we need our supply chain partners to make operational changes that will reduce dwell times, clear our terminals and make room for the ships waiting to enter our port.’

長灘港在一份新聞稿中說,碼頭上大約 40% 的進(jìn)口集裝箱已經(jīng)閑置了至少 9 天。
在 2020 年中期消費(fèi)者需求激增之前,集裝箱通常會(huì)在碼頭停留不到四天。

Transport secretary Pete Buttigieg said Sunday that the supply chain crisis will continue at least until the COVID-19 pandemic ends amid fears of shortages ahead of the winter holidays.
‘There are definitely going to continue to be issues, especially as long as the pandemic continues,’ Buttigieg told Fox News Sunday.
‘If you have, for example, the third-largest container port in the world in China shutting down because of a COVID outbreak in late summer you'll feel that in the fall here on the West coast.’
He said that while politicians, the ports, and industry executives are taking all the necessary steps to combat the supply crisis, catching up with the backlog will take time - particularly as consumer appetite for imported products grows.
‘…If we really want to see all of these disruptions end, we’ve got to end the pandemic, he said. That’s what getting everybody vaccinated is all about.’

交通部長皮特·布蒂吉格 (Pete Buttigieg) 周日表示,由于擔(dān)心寒假前出現(xiàn)短缺,供應(yīng)鏈危機(jī)將至少持續(xù)到 COVID-19 大流行結(jié)束。
“例如,如果世界上第三大集裝箱港口中國(譯注:深圳)在夏末因 COVID 爆發(fā)而關(guān)閉,你會(huì)在秋天的西海岸感受到這一點(diǎn)?!?br /> 他表示,雖然政界人士、港口和行業(yè)高管正在采取一切必要措施應(yīng)對(duì)供應(yīng)危機(jī),但要趕上積壓的訂單需要時(shí)間——尤其是隨著消費(fèi)者對(duì)進(jìn)口產(chǎn)品的需求不斷增長。

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處