An x-ray of Trevor's skull shows the little boy's skull, with fluid filling the cavities where the cerebral hemispheres of his brain should be. (KSLA File, 2003)
SHREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) - An ArkLaTex child born without a brain and defied all odds passed away peacefully in his sleep Monday.
Trevor Judge Waltrip was born on Christmas Eve 2001, with just a brain stem and hydranencephaly
. It's a rare condition in which the brain's cerebral hemispheres are absent, replaced by sacs filled with cerebro-spinal fluid. The brain stem allowed Trevor to breathe, respond to some stimulus, and maintain a heartbeat. In 2003, his mother Elizabeth told KSLA News 12 that "He's so alx and hates to be alone. He'll sense that, too."
Still, Trevor was blind and unable to verbally communicate.

積水性無腦,這是一種罕見的癥狀,大腦半球缺失,取而代之的是充滿腦脊液的囊。腦干讓特雷弗能夠呼吸,對某些刺激做出反應,并保持心跳。2003年,他的母親伊麗莎白告訴KSLA新聞12頻道,“他非常警覺,討厭獨處——他也能感覺到?!?br /> 但是,特雷弗雙目失明,無法用語言交流。

Doctors were unsure if Trevor would make it 12 weeks. At 17 months, his physician Larry Daniels said that he was very unique to have survived that long, considering babies born with this condition generally don't live to birth."
There's no cure or treatment for hydranencephaly.
Trevor lived for 12 years, with the help of a feeding tube and therapists who stimulated his muscles and joints. His mother says she knows his story touched the hearts of many across the region. When we checked in with the Waltrip family again in 2005, his mother said he was doing well, gaining weight and had 15 teeth, "and he does bite, so he does know what he's doing."
Elizabeth Waltrip also found a support group for parents of babies like Trevor. "Just to know about other babies out there like this because I thought I was the only one. It's really ...I feel much better."

在喂食管和治療師的幫助下,特雷弗活了12年,他的肌肉和關節(jié)得到了刺激。他的母親說,她知道他的故事感動了當?shù)卦S多人。2005年,當我們回訪沃爾特里普一家時,他的母親說他很好,體重增加了,有15顆牙齒,“而且他會咬人,所以他知道自己在做什么?!?br /> 伊麗莎白還找到了一個有類似孩子的家長群。“我只是想知道其他萊斯孩子,因為我曾以為我是唯一的一個,這真的……我感覺好多了?!?/b>

Knowing what the odds are against babies like Trevor, Elizabeth took things one day at a time. "I look at it like he's here for a reason," she said in 2005, "and I thank God everyday for it."
Now that he has passed away, his family is asking for help to cover funeral costs. Donations can be made to any Chase Bank under the "Trevor Judge Waltrip Donation Account."
Arrangements have been made, with funeral services being held on Saturday, August 30 at 2:30 p.m. at Rose-Neath's Southside Chapel, 2500 Southside Drive.
Visitation will be on Friday, August 29 from 5-7 p.m., also at Rose-Neath Southside Chapel.
