Tom Martin, former US Government Senior Executive, Retired(前美國(guó)政府高級(jí)行政長(zhǎng)官,已退休)

Think of it this way, a car owner takes his car to a repair shop and finds out that there are more things wrong with his car than he first thought. The mechanic explains what needs to be done to repair the car and tells him the consequences of not doing the work. He decides to have some of the recommended work done and drive the car anyway. If the brakes are shot he definitely will have them fixed but may put off much of the other work. If the mechanic is saying to flush the transmission fluid and the owner decides not to do this, he may not share this with his family unless it is to explain to them that he needs extra funds to pay to do the work. The owner has the right to fire the mechanic and do what he thinks is in his and his family’s best interest.


The owner in this metaphor is the President and the mechanic is the CIA. If anyone paints this relationship differently, they don’t know what they are talking about.
This is from someone who has direct experience with the CIA and held a top secret Q clearance for over 20 years.


Robert Martin Pollack
, M.A. from University of South Carolina (1971)
Ask Willie Clinton. He wanted all the CIA files on JFK’s assassination and whatever they knew about UFOs. He was told to take a hike.
If you ever see the interview with Haldeman where he admits to blackmailing the CIA on Nixon’s behalf, it becomes clear that the CIA is no longer accountable to anyone but themselves.


Mark Hasley
, former Taught English, Speech, and Debate at Monroe High School (1972-2007)
The CIA is directly controlled by the President. No doubt he receives a report from them every day, but the President decides what to do about the contents of the report. Do you really believe he behaves as he does because a quiet, secret, stealthy organization wants him to?
