J. Peper
Hollywood always gets battles wrong, particularly ancient and medi battles.
A battle was not two mobs charging at one another and then breaking up into a bunch of 1 on 1 fights. Battles were fought in fairly orderly, disciplined formations so you could protect and cooperate with the people on either side of you.
But yes, trying to kill a bunch of unfriendly strangers by sticking them with long pointy things before they do the same to you is inherently barbaric. So is blowing them up, shooting them, gassing them, or all the other ways we’ve made warfare more “civilized”.


One of the most studied battles of the Middle Ages is the Battle of Visby, fought on 27 July 1361. A force of 2000–2500 Danish knights and German mercenaries invaded Gotland and massacred the defending yeoman (middle class) 2000 man militia. The Danes lost 300 men and the Gutes lost 1700, who were mostly buried in their armor because the unseasonably warm weather caused the bodies to start decomposing before they could be stripped of valuables. This makes it one of the best-preserved medi battlefields.
Looking at the skeletons of the defeated yeoman, the wounds are pretty horrific. This guy took an axe to the face:

中世紀(jì)被研究最多的戰(zhàn)役之一是1361年7月27日的維斯比戰(zhàn)役。一支由2000 - 2500名丹麥騎士和德國(guó)雇傭軍組成的部隊(duì)入侵哥特蘭島(瑞典島名),屠殺了保衛(wèi)自耕農(nóng)(中產(chǎn)階級(jí))的2000名民兵。丹麥人損失了300人,古特人損失了1700人,他們大多被埋在盔甲里,因?yàn)椴缓蠒r(shí)宜的溫暖天氣導(dǎo)致尸體在被搶走貴重物品之前就開始腐爛。這使其成為保存最完好的中世紀(jì)戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)之一。

Some other skulls from Visby


This is a diagram of all the injuries one victim received:


Not the same battle, but this is the skull of a 1st century Roman legionnaire who was buried with the spear that killed him still in place:
As bad as these wounds are, our ability to inflict trauma on other people has only increased over time. As the old saying goes, war is hell.
