Priyanka Payal
Some of my favorites are the ones that make you feel and get you thinking.
and then there are those you just love for the story/characters or you just love them and read them 50 times for no reason.
Mrityunjay: (Means ''Victory over Death'') About Karna, from Mahabharata, Indian Mythology. Never have I read a book that moved me to the core by the sheer power of dialogue. It has brilliant characters, philosophy, great story and as I mentioned, powerful dialogue. Must read.
Harry Potter series: Yes, children''s book. But a beautifully told story that even adults enjoy and love. Heart-touching and makes you attached to the fictional characters like they were your friends. And a great series to grow up with. Lessons taught without being pretentious. When you read them you are whisked away to a magical world! :)


The Diary of Anne Frank: I was moved by how profound a 14 year old girl was during such hard phase in her life. Shows us the ugly picture of the life of Jews during World War 2, which is fascinating and humbling at the same time.
To Kill a Mockingbird: First book to show me that there isn't always right or wrong. There is that grey area, which you may or may not like, but you cannot deny its presence. This book is bound to make you think.
The Godfather: Power leaks from every page. Insight into Mafia and cunning story. A book you cannot refuse ;) The movie is recommended as well!
And Then There Were None: One of the brilliant works of Agatha Christie. Left me scratching my head till the last chapter. Couldn't put it down! Very engaging.
P.G. Wodehouse books: You will read them and say , 'By Golly! Jeeves, my man, where were these gems hiding till now? How preposterous of me to not have laid my eyes on these!'

《教父》:每一頁都透露出權(quán)力。深入了解黑手黨,故事非常狡猾。這是你不能拒絕的一本書 ;) 同時也推薦看電影!
P.G.伍德豪斯的書:你會讀到它們并說,“天哪!管家吉夫斯,我的好人,這些珠寶到現(xiàn)在為止在哪里藏著?我沒能看到這些是非?;闹嚨模 ?br />