More than ten years ago, readers who paid attention to the military would have noticed that when ranking main battle tanks in many military publications, the Merkava tank was given a high ranking.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Moreover, these rankings give surprisingly consistent uations of the Merkava. They all say that the Merkava tank is the "safest" main battle tank. The myth of "preferring to sacrifice performance to protect personnel safety" has been promoted for many years.


But things that are blown up will eventually be exposed. In this Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Merkava tanks that were blown up to the sky were repeatedly destroyed in street battles. The "trophy" system that had high hopes did not work. The so-called "last" "Safety" has become empty talk.


Why do many people think the Merkava tank is the "safest" main battle tank? In addition to the brainwashing propaganda of the Western media, the design of the Merkava tank also gives people the illusion that "this tank looks very safe."

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Why is there such an illusion? This is mainly because of the three design features of the Merkava tank. Let's analyze them one by one.


The first is the most unique front-engine layout of the Merkava tank, which is unique among the main battle tanks currently in service in the world. The main battle tanks of China, the United States, Russia and Germany all have engines behind the body.


Generally, only infantry fighting vehicles, or light tanks based on the chassis of infantry fighting vehicles such as the CV90120, will choose the front-engine layout.


The diesel engine used in the tank is made of high-performance steel, weighs in tons, and has a certain degree of defense capability. The main threats faced by Israeli tanks before were various rockets with armor-breaking
capabilities of less than 600 mm. Diesel engines can block such attacks at the cost of scrapping themselves.


We can say that the layout of the front engine ensures the lower limit of protection, but the relative price is that the Merkava tank cannot continue to enhance frontal protection.


Because the engine needs to be inspected, a large access opening needs to be opened in front of the car body. This makes it impossible for the Merkava car body to be designed with thick main armor, nor can it be equipped with heavy explosive reactive armor or additional armor.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

We can use the analogy of Chinese and Russian main battle tanks. The main armor resistance of 99A tank or Russia's T90M tank is 600 to 700 mm. After wearing FY4 or "Fossil" explosive reactive armor, it can increase by 500 mm. The anti-breakage ability increases this data to more than 1100 mm.


The Merkava tank cannot do this, so it is okay to defeat the guerrillas who only have old RPG7 rockets in their hands, because the armor-breaking ability of these rockets is generally less than 600 mm.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

For example, after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in the exchange of fire between northern Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah armed forces, a Merkava tank was destroyed frontally by Hezbollah's "Cornet" anti-tank missile.


Because the latter's armor-breaking capability reaches 1,200 mm, even if the Merkava tank has a front-mounted engine and does not have thick main armor and heavy explosive counterattack, it cannot stop the attack of this advanced anti-tank missile.


To sum up, the layout of the front engine of the Merkava tank guarantees the lower limit of defense capabilities, but the upper limit is also limited by this. As the opponent's anti-tank capabilities increase, Merkava tanks will naturally be unable to block attacks.


However, in addition to the passive protection of the armor, the Merkava tank also has a defense system that is talked about by many media, which is the "trophy" active defense system. How effective is it?


As the earliest Western active defense system developed and put into use, the performance of the "Trophy" active defense system is pretty good. In Israel's battles against guerrillas in the past few years, there were many examples of successful interceptions.


Comparing products from other countries, the performance of "Trophy" belongs to the first echelon. In addition to the disadvantage of being relatively heavy, its response speed and interception efficiency are not bad, but it does not have the ability to intercept armor-piercing projectiles.


Within Western countries, the performance of "Trophy" has been widely recognized. The latest M1A2C tanks of the US military are also equipped with the "Trophy" system purchased from Israel.


For the Hamas armed forces, this system has caused them a lot of trouble in the past few years and made anti-tank operations more difficult. However, Hamas armed forces are good at learning from battles and quickly summed up a set of methods for the "trophy" system.


First, judge whether the "trophy" system is turned on by observing whether there are infantry near the Merkava tank. This system consumes a lot of power. The Merkava tank will not be turned on all the time. After it is turned on, there must be no infantry around the tank, otherwise it will cause accidental damage.


Second, if the Merkava tank with the "trophy" system turned on is to be attacked from a long distance, Hamas will arrange two groups of anti-tank shooters to launch two missiles at intervals of a few seconds.


Because the "Combat Product" system cannot identify two targets that are very close together, it will only intercept the first missile, but not the second missile, so that the second missile can successfully hit.


Third, the "trophy" system will not respond to rockets and anti-tank missiles launched within tens of meters. Taking advantage of this weakness, Hamas can get close to the tank and then launch it. We have seen many results achieved using this tactic.


Therefore, although the "trophy" system is a good active defense system, after its weaknesses are studied and targeted tactics are designed, its performance is ugly. However, Israel has not improved the "trophy" system to solve these problems. It must be said that this is the end of arrogance.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

The third design feature of the Merkava tank is that it can carry a certain number of infantry. In theory, this can allow the Merkava tank to better achieve coordinated infantry and tank operations.


In the brutal street fighting on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, both the Russian and Ukrainian armies have proven that it does not matter whether there is an active defense system or not. Close infant-tank coordination tactics are the most important in street fighting, and they are no less important than drones.


However, we can see from many battlefield videos that Israeli infantry only dare to get off their vehicles during non-combat times. They stay in their vehicles most of the time, hoping that the vehicle's armor will protect them.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

However, if a tank does not have infantry to expand the tank's situational awareness and provide cover for the tank in street fighting, it will be a living target. The Russian army has fully proved how miserable a tank without infantry cover can be in the first Chechen War. .


Now the Israeli army is the second Chechen Russian army. The irony is that the Russian army, which once made a mess in street fighting, is now performing very well in street fighting on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield. The Israeli army, which was praised by the Western media, suffered heavy losses in Gaza City. Suffered tens of thousands of casualties.


The myths promoted will eventually be exposed. No amount of so-called "actual combat experience" can compare with serious combat readiness training, actual combat exercises and military innovation.
