Hi everyone. So, I am Ukrainian but my boyfriend is Chinese. We've met and started dating when he was studying here and have been in a long-distance relationship after he graduated and moved back to China. Ukraine is not very safe right now and does not have good job prospects for electronics engineers, so he moved, and I had stayed in my home country because I needed to finish my residency in psychiatry. We are serious, so we did not break up. Now, we had planned to both move to the UK in 2025 after getting some experience in our respective fields, but now my bf is having second thoughts and wants me to move to China. His mother is sick, and he wants to stay in China for at least a couple more years to be with her. I completely understand that, but what are my prospects career-wise? Are there any hospitals for foreigners in China where I would be able to get a license to work? I don't know any Chinese but am fluent in English. Please advise.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

upxe: We just had a huge fight, where he implied I might have another man. I have never been so disrespected in any of my relationships. We have been dating for two years and are both strictly monogamous people. We survived war and long-distance together, but it seems that all this time, he did not trust me. I still love him to pieces, but I also respect myself and cannot be with someone who does not trust me. I do not know how to recover from this. All he gives me are weak excuses like "it's not you, it's me". I really thought we had it, and this was the relationship to end all relationships. For life. Guess not. Thank you, everyone, for your advice and support! I am thinking of ending things with him.
