When it comes to the core pillars of strategic nuclear deterrence, intercontinental ballistic missiles definitely occupy the top spot. Intercontinental ballistic missiles are so powerful that no weapon can match them, but they are extremely vulnerable before launch. In this case, its transportation and launch methods have become the primary factor that determines its battlefield survivability. So, what kind of launch method is suitable for these "nuclear behemoths"?


The development of ballistic missile weapons has a history of more than half a century. During this period, many methods of missile transportation and launch have been derived, but the most popular one in the world is definitely the road mobile transport and launch mode. Simply put, ballistic missiles using this launch method will be installed on a transport erect launch vehicle. They can be launched directly from the vehicle without being installed on the missile launcher. It is the most convenient and cost-effective ballistic missile. Launch method.


Once a war breaks out, each missile launch vehicle can quickly leave the bunker, maneuver quickly through the extensive road network, and launch missiles into the air at unexpected places for the enemy, thereby avoiding being locked by enemy reconnaissance equipment and being decapitated. The relatively low price makes it the first choice for ballistic missile transportation and launch.


Currently, many ballistic missiles including China's Dongfeng-31, Russia's Topol-M and India's Agni-5 missiles all use this launch method. It can be said that this launch method can be used for everything from intercontinental ballistic missiles to tactical ballistic missiles, which shows its good versatility.

目前,包括中國(guó)的東風(fēng)-31、俄羅斯的白楊- m和印度的烈火-5導(dǎo)彈在內(nèi)的許多彈道導(dǎo)彈都使用這種發(fā)射方式。可以說(shuō),這種發(fā)射方式從洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈到戰(zhàn)術(shù)彈道導(dǎo)彈都可以使用,可見(jiàn)其良好的通用性。

However, this approach also has limitations. First of all, the flexibility of this launch method relies on the highway network extending in all directions. Once a war breaks out and the highway is blocked by a large number of civilian vehicles, it may affect the deployment speed of missile launch vehicles. Secondly, the size and load-bearing capacity of the missile launch vehicle are limited. Therefore, under the constraints of the transportation platform, some modifications and sacrifices need to be made to the performance and structure of the missile.


Any form of motorized transport is subject to failure and is still less reliable than traditional fixed launchers. However, after comprehensive consideration, this transportation and launch method is still the most cost-effective. At least, a lot of money can be saved in building missile launch facilities.


Since the launch of the first intercontinental ballistic missile in human history, the Soviet unx's R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile, ground-based fixed launchers have been accompanying the technological growth and development of ballistic missiles. In the early days of ballistic missile development, most of these fixed launchers were large missile launchers exposed on the ground, and came with a large number of command and auxiliary buildings and facilities, just like a small space shuttle launch site.


This also directly leads to two problems: the ballistic missile launch site exposed on the ground looks too big in the sky and is easily discovered by the enemy. It is easy to be decapitated by the enemy at the beginning of the war. It is a problem for the battlefield survivability of the missile. Huge impact; and the second problem is more realistic: it is too expensive to build a ballistic missile launch site.


A big reason why the R-7 ballistic missile has only been in service for less than ten years is that the construction cost of its launch site is too high. Public information shows that each time a launch site for R-7 ballistic missiles was built, 5% of the Soviet defense budget was spent . In desperation, the cash-strapped Soviet unx naturally chose new missiles that were more advanced and more cost-effective to replace them.


Over time, an alternative to ground-based ballistic missile launch sites emerged, which was to build missile launch facilities underground, use a heavy cement concrete launch silo to accommodate the missiles, and build underground command facilities nearby. Although this will cost a lot of money, it is still much cheaper than building a ground missile launch site.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

In addition, the thick armor and concrete can also prevent the missile from being decapitated by the enemy, ensure our own nuclear counterattack force, and be able to quickly carry out nuclear counterattack against the enemy after the outbreak of nuclear war. Therefore, to this day, the United States' Minuteman-3 intercontinental ballistic missiles still use underground silos as a launch method, and Russia also retains many missile silos to allow intercontinental ballistic missiles to perform combat readiness duties.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

It can be said that although this method is old-fashioned and rigid, and it is easy to be detected by the enemy in advance, its high reliability and unparalleled anti-strike capability are enough to keep this old and strong launch mechanism alive in the new era. .


Although building fixed launch facilities for ballistic missiles is expensive, it is not that expensive compared to ballistic missile nuclear submarines. As the most expensive ballistic missile launch platform in the world, ballistic missile nuclear submarines can be said to be the backbone of the maritime strategic nuclear deterrence of most nuclear-armed countries, and those countries that do not have ballistic missile nuclear submarines are also trying their best to catch up in this field. It can be seen that its importance.


Compared with the first two launching methods, nuclear submarines have the strongest concealment, and their deterrence capabilities are also the most terrifying - these nuclear black fish can sneak around in various oceans, and once a war breaks out, they can quickly surface and launch multiple missiles. A nuclear strike, and you can't even effectively detect and destroy it first.


The Russian Navy has fallen to this level, and it is gritting its teeth and insisting on sticking to its ballistic missile submarine force, because this is the pillar of Russia's nuclear deterrence against the United States.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

Of course, ballistic missile nuclear submarines are currently only a "patent" for a few countries, because the development of a ballistic missile nuclear submarine and its supporting submarine-launched ballistic missiles requires a large amount of funding and technological support, which ordinary countries simply cannot afford.


At present, only the United States, China, Russia, France and the United Kingdom have true ballistic missile nuclear submarines. As for India's much-hyped Arihant, they still have to find a way to use the K-15 with a "short leg" range of only 750 kilometers. Let's replace the missiles.


In addition to the above ballistic missile launch mechanisms, there is another ballistic missile launch method that once shocked the East and the West but is no longer used today - railway mobile launch. This launch mechanism relies on a specially designed ballistic missile launch train. This train looks almost the same as an ordinary train in appearance, but it integrates a ballistic missile erected launcher, command vehicle, communication vehicle and logistics maintenance vehicle inside. , generally one train can carry 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles.


From a certain perspective, this is the most powerful way to launch land-based ballistic missiles - the missile launch vehicle can fly along the iron pole at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. Spy satellites can hardly lock it in real time. If you want to intercept it on the ground, it will be more difficult. It's very difficult . Therefore, when the Soviet unx put it into active use, it shocked the entire Western world and even got the nickname "Hell Train", which shows its strong deterrent power.


But while the way rail maneuvers allow for great flexibility, it's not perfect. First of all, this method is only suitable for countries with great strategic depth and developed railway networks, such as Russia, China, the United States, etc.


In addition, this hell train travels between regions almost year-round, and its maintenance costs far exceed that of a road-mobile missile transport vehicle. Therefore, after the end of the Cold War, no country chose to put rail-mobile launched ballistic missiles back into active use.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

It is worth mentioning that Russian strategic missile expert Vladimir Yevseyer publicly stated that Russia has actually secretly developed the next-generation "Barguzin" rail-mobile ballistic missile system. As long as the military deems it necessary, it will It will be put into active use within 3-5 years. This news is also widely regarded by the outside world as the resurrection of Hell Train and a signal to restart the nuclear arms race between the United States and Russia.


There are many ways to launch ballistic missiles, but each country has its own national conditions. It is most reliable to choose the most suitable launch mechanism based on the actual situation. For example, Russia, which combines mobile launches with underground facilities, sticks to underground launches. The United States, the United Kingdom and France, which have chosen sea-based launches, are among others.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

Although these ballistic missiles are the core of nuclear deterrence, no one wants to see the day when these missiles are actually launched into the airspace of an enemy country. As Eisenhower said: "A nuclear weapon is most powerful when it is still on the missile launcher."

盡管這些彈道導(dǎo)彈是核威懾的核心,但沒(méi)有人希望看到這些導(dǎo)彈真正發(fā)射到敵國(guó)領(lǐng)空的那一天。正如艾森豪威爾所說(shuō):“當(dāng)核武器還在導(dǎo)彈發(fā)射裝置上時(shí),它的威力才是最大的?!?br />