I recently discovered a very, very good way to understand quantum mechanics. Even people who don't understand quantum mechanics can easily understand the counterintuitive phenomena in quantum mechanics!


As for me, I have been doing popular science on quantum mechanics for many years. I have found that when many people hear about concepts such as the double-slit interference experiment, wave-particle duality, probability waves, measurement collapse, and quantum entanglement, they will first ask why: Why is the quantum world like this?

至于我,做量子力學(xué)科普很多年了,我發(fā)現(xiàn)很多人一聽(tīng)到雙縫干涉實(shí)驗(yàn),波粒二象性; 概率波; 測(cè)量坍塌; 量子糾纏這樣的概念,首先會(huì)問(wèn)為什么,為什么量子世界會(huì)這樣?

Most of the time, when we do science popularization, we can only tell you: Don't ask why! Because the basic phenomena of the microscopic world are like this, and science only summarizes the phenomena, not explains them.


First of all, before you understand quantum mechanics, you should know that quantum mechanics is the phenomenon of the microscopic world. Generally speaking, it refers to the movement of particles smaller than atoms. These phenomena include wave-particle duality, probability waves, quantum entanglement, etc.

首先你在了解量子力學(xué)之前要知道,量子力學(xué)就是微觀(guān)世界的現(xiàn)象,大致呢,也就說(shuō)比原子還小的那些粒子的運(yùn)動(dòng)現(xiàn)象,這些現(xiàn)象包括波粒二象性; 概率波; 量子糾纏等等

But you will find that there is a common point behind these quantum phenomena, that is, all microscopic particles are uncertain and vague, that is to say: microscopic particles do not have a definite shape or definite boundaries.


When we humans first understood microscopic particles, we always thought that these particles were a kind of solid sphere. But soon physicists discovered the wave-particle duality and the idea that particles were solid spheres was passed!

當(dāng)我們?nèi)祟?lèi)一開(kāi)始理解微觀(guān)粒子總是認(rèn)為這些粒子就是一種類(lèi)似于實(shí)心的小球。但很快 物理學(xué)家就發(fā)現(xiàn)了波粒二象性然后粒子是實(shí)心小球的觀(guān)念就被淘汰掉了!

That is to say, these particles are both waves and particles. This sentence still sounds difficult to understand. It seems that it is still difficult for the human brain to imagine an obxt that is both a wave and a particle. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, this concept of wave-particle duality is outdated. The latest understanding of microscopic particles in the physics community is a view based on quantum field theory.


In quantum field theory, wave-particle duality is just an appearance. In fact, any elementary particle is a field. The so-called particle is just a kind of energy excited by the quantum field. Different particles have different quantum fields!


For example, an electron is an electron field; a photon is a photon field; a quark is a quark field. So how big is this quantum field?


In fact, the quantum field is as big as the universe, that is to say: the essence of a particle is precisely because it is a quantum field!

其實(shí)宇宙有多大 量子場(chǎng)就有多大,也就是說(shuō):一個(gè)粒子的本質(zhì)正是由于它是一種量子場(chǎng)!

And this quantum field can extend to every corner of the universe, so the range of a particle is the entire space.


After hearing this, it feels even more difficult to understand?

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

Don't worry, I will use new ideas and infer from daily life experience to figure out: Why are microscopic particles like this?


Now stretch out your right hand and pinch your nose. Do you find that the shape of your nose has changed? Then think again, how does the force work when you pinch your nose?


In fact, when you can magnify this behavior to a microscopic scale, you will find that pinching your nose with your hand is just an electromagnetic interaction between the extranuclear electrons on the surface of your hand skin and the extranuclear electrons on the surface of your nose. The extranuclear electrons are all negatively charged, so when the extranuclear electrons are not in complete contact, they produce a repulsive effect by relying on the electromagnetic force.

其實(shí),當(dāng)你可以把這個(gè)行為放大到微觀(guān)尺度 ,你就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)手捏鼻子,只是手皮表面的核外電子和鼻子表面的核外電子發(fā)生了電磁作用,核外電子都是帶負(fù)電荷的,所以核外電子在沒(méi)有完全接觸到的情況下,依靠電磁力就產(chǎn)生了排斥作用。

At this point, think about it more deeply: the electrons in your hand and the electrons in your nose are obviously not in contact, and there is only a vacuum area between them, so how could there be any effect?


This seems to be a kind of action at a distance, so the first idea that violates common sense was born! In order to make the counterintuitive phenomenon of action at a distance logically self-consistent, we assume that an extranuclear electron and another extranuclear electron have an action force. There must be an obxt in the middle that transmits this force, and this substance is called a propagator.

這好像就是一種超距作用,所以第一個(gè)違反常識(shí)的觀(guān)念就誕生了!為了讓超距作用這種反常識(shí)現(xiàn)象在邏輯上自洽,我們就認(rèn)為 一個(gè)核外電子和另一個(gè)核外電子發(fā)生了作用力。中間必然有一個(gè)物體傳遞了這種力,這種物質(zhì)也就叫做傳播子。

The propagator of electromagnetic force is virtual photon. When two extranuclear electrons interact with each other, virtual photons are constantly exchanged between them to transmit this force. If you think about it again, if we regard microscopic particles as solid balls, you will find that there is a big problem here.

電磁力的傳播子也就是虛光子,兩個(gè)核外電子在發(fā)生電磁作用的時(shí)候,就會(huì)有虛光子在中間不斷交換 來(lái)傳遞這種力。這時(shí)候你再想一下,如果我們將微觀(guān)粒子認(rèn)為是一種實(shí)心的小球,你就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)這里面存在一個(gè)很大的問(wèn)題。

The interaction between electrons relies on propagators such as virtual photons. So how does the interaction between propagators and electrons occur? Since microscopic particles have been assumed to be solid spheres, there will always be a vacuum between propagators and electrons, which is a kind of action at a distance. So once we identify microscopic particles as small spheres in the classical physical world, it is impossible for these particles to interact with each other.

電子和電子之間的作用力,依靠的虛光子這種傳播子。那傳播子和電子之間的作用又是怎么發(fā)生的。既然微觀(guān)粒子 已經(jīng)被假設(shè)成實(shí)心小球,那傳播子和電子之間總會(huì)存在真空,這就是一種超距作用。所以 一旦我們將微觀(guān)粒子 認(rèn)定成經(jīng)典物理世界的小球,那么這些粒子之間就不可能發(fā)生相互作用。

Because there is always a vacuum between them, which is like a wall, making it impossible for all particles to interact with each other, so there can only be one possibility for the form of microscopic particles to explain the logical bug caused by this long-distance action. That is, microscopic particles themselves are vague and fill the entire space. There is no boundary between them, and the particles themselves are also a kind of intertwined quantum field!

因?yàn)樗鼈冎g總有真空 真空就好像是一堵墻,導(dǎo)致所有粒子都不可能發(fā)生相互作用力,所以微觀(guān)粒子的形態(tài)只能存在一種可能性,才能解釋這種超距作用帶來(lái)的邏輯上的bug。那就是微觀(guān)粒子本身就是模糊不清的,充滿(mǎn)了整個(gè)空間 它們之間本來(lái)就沒(méi)有界限,粒子和粒子之間 本身也是一種交織在一起的量子場(chǎng)!

In fact, the laws of physics do not recognize action at a distance. The so-called action at a distance of quantum entanglement is itself an illusion. Newton has the most say on action at a distance. As early as when Newton was alive, he found that action at a distance was intolerable! Newton found that there was a vacuum zone between planets. There was no propagator between two planets, but they still produced gravity. Isn't this action at a distance?

其實(shí)物理法則并不認(rèn)同超距作用,量子糾纏那種所謂的超距作用本身也是一種假象,對(duì)于超距作用 牛頓最有發(fā)言權(quán),早在牛頓活著的時(shí)候,就發(fā)現(xiàn)超距作用是無(wú)法容忍的!牛頓發(fā)現(xiàn) 星球和星球之間都是真空地帶,兩個(gè)星球之間沒(méi)有任何傳播子,它們居然還會(huì)產(chǎn)生引力,這不就是超距作用嗎?

In order to solve this problem, Newton introduced the concept of ether proposed by Aristotle more than 2,000 years ago. He believed that ether was evenly distributed in every corner of the universe and acted as a propagator of gravity. Of course, Michelson-Morley later falsified the ether!

為了解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題,牛頓就引入了2000多年前 亞里士多德提出的以太概念。并認(rèn)為以太均勻分布在宇宙各個(gè)角落,并且充當(dāng)了引力的傳播子,當(dāng)然 后來(lái) 邁克爾遜莫雷實(shí)驗(yàn)證偽了以太!

The action at a distance between gravity was eventually replaced by the curvature of space-time in general relativity, which holds that gravity is an illusion.

引力之間的超距作用最后被廣義相對(duì)論的時(shí)空彎曲所取代,而廣義相對(duì)論認(rèn)為 引力只是假象

The so-called gravitational effect is just the mass bending the space! obxts moving in the curved space behave like gravitational effects! Therefore, there is no need to introduce additional propagators between gravity!

所謂的引力作用 只是質(zhì)量彎曲了空間!物體在彎曲的空間運(yùn)動(dòng),才表現(xiàn)的像引力作用!所以引力之間并不需要引入額外的傳播子!
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

But quantum mechanics doesn't think so. Quantum mechanics must give gravity a propagator, which is the graviton. Of course, there is still a lot of controversy about the graviton because general relativity believes that gravity is not a force, so there is no need for a propagator. But quantum mechanics still believes that gravity is a force and needs a propagator.


Back to the original question, it is precisely because the laws of physics do not recognize action at a distance that microscopic particles can only be in a vague form to solve this problem. You see, the electromagnetic force acts at an infinite distance, which requires that the vague boundaries of microscopic particles are also infinitely far away. It is precisely because particles are vague that they cannot have a clear position like a solid ball.

回到最初的問(wèn)題,正是因?yàn)槲锢矸▌t不認(rèn)同超距作用。所以微觀(guān)粒子只能是模糊不清的形態(tài) 才能解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題。你看 電磁力的作用是無(wú)限遠(yuǎn)的,這就要求微觀(guān)粒子這種迷糊不清的界限也是無(wú)限遠(yuǎn)的。正是由于粒子是迷糊不清的,所以它就不可能像實(shí)心小球那樣有明確的位置。

So we can only describe it with probability, and that's it. If you look at quantum entanglement again, the so-called entangled particles are actually the same particle. The direct energy is split into two and becomes two entangled particles, but the entangled particles still use the same quantum field.

所以我們只能用概率描述它,講到這兒。你再看量子糾纏,其實(shí)所謂的糾纏粒子就是同一個(gè)粒子,直視能量一分為二 變成兩個(gè)糾纏粒子,但是糾纏粒子之間 還是同用同一個(gè)量子場(chǎng)。

This quantum field can extend to every corner of the universe, so the so-called superluminal interaction between two entangled particles is actually the simultaneous action of the same particle. If one of the entangled particles is changed, the other particle will definitely change at the same time. It is easier to understand the double-slit interference experiment of electrons with this idea.


What is most difficult for us to understand is why electrons pass through the double slits at the same time and why an electron interferes with itself.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

In fact, let alone double slits, even if there are countless slits, electrons can pass through them at the same time! Because of the fuzzy form of electrons, it is destined that electrons can be in multiple positions at the same time.


Finally, let's summarize: Matter in the universe is interacting with each other all the time. If we magnify this interaction, we will find that there is a huge vacuum zone between all particles. If the particles are small balls, then the vacuum will hinder the occurrence of super-distance action. Therefore, microscopic particles can only be blurred to resolve this super-distance action.


You will understand after hearing this: the vague concept of microscopic particles is the most logical! The concept of particles as solid balls is counterintuitive.
