@Ellie Takami
I almost didn't answer this question but when I saw the answers submitted thus far I had to contribute my own opinions too- The most Japanese things ever, having lived in Japan for over ten years, in my opinion are bowing.


Bowing ALL the time. People you meet on the street. Your senior co workers, managers. It doesn't have to be a full on back bending bow, but a quick nod of the neck in acknowledgment


Apologising “sumimasen” or “gomennasai” just apologising for everything. Apologising for apologising.

道歉 "sumimasen "或 "gomennasai",就是為所有事情道歉。為道歉而道歉。
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Presents. Presents for every occasion. Moving into an apartment? Presents for all your neighbours. Going to someone's house? Present. Came back from a trip? Present. Finished renovating your house? More presents for your neighbours.

禮物。 適合各種場合的禮物。搬進公寓?給所有鄰居送禮物。去別人家?禮物。旅行回來?禮物。房子裝修完了?給鄰居送更多禮物。
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Never really answering the question- but this in itself is also “answering” the question. For most people who are used to direct approaches to communication might find this maddening. the answers are always hidden within nuances, word choice and intonation ;)

從未真正正面回答過問題--但這本身也是在 "回答 "問題。對于大多數(shù)習慣于直接交流的人來說,這可能會讓人抓狂。答案總是隱藏在細微差別、用詞和語調(diào)之中;)

Lining/queueing up? I don't know why but japanese people LOVE queueing up for stores or restaurants. Some people even get there hours in advance to get top seats/picks. Dedication.


Last but not least, subtlety and grace. Japanese itself is the language of subtlety and grace in my opinion, and it reflects the people who speak it. There is a lot to be said about Japanese people, but these two points are definitely great qualities I think.


@Adrian Hsiah

This is a queue of Japanese players lining up… with their characters inside an MMORPG!


During the releases of the online versions of Final Fantasy (11 and 14), certain aspects of the game were buggy. In some cases, it was difficult to access certain parts of the game.

在《最終幻想》在線版(第 11 版和第 14 版)發(fā)布期間,游戲的某些方面出現(xiàn)了錯誤。在某些情況下,很難進入游戲的某些部分。

So how did they ensure everyone gets access fairly? A line, of course!


An unenforceable line of dozens of characters, following unwritten rules to line up in an orderly fashion, for hours at a time.


The sense of order is truly mind boggling.

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@Michelle Dizon
Fresh graduates during job hunting season in Japan.


Japan has a strict rule when you're job hunting, especially for university students.


They all have to wear what is called recruit suit.


This is the basic black suit, white shirt, black business bag and black dress shoes. It has to be the standard design and length. Hair should be dyed black. There is a range of color of black dyes that are acceptable. For women, hair should be tied into a ponytail. For men, it should be cut short and professional-looking.


Clothing shops selling suits and businesswear sell these recruit suits every hiring season. You'll see ads and posters all around Japan.

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You should blend in together with the rest of the applicants. It will be disastrous for your application if you stray from these rules.


Very Japanese thing.


Here’s one ‘very Japanese thing’ I observed (and participated in) recently.

這是我最近觀察到(并參與了)的一件 "很日本的事情"。

I’m standing at an inner-city Tokyo bus stop, waiting for a bus. The stop is served by 6 different buses, all with different routes and destinations. Traffic is heavy and the line of waiting passengers is growing every minute. Buses coming and going at the best speeds they can achieve in the heavy, late-afternoon traffic.

我正站在東京市內(nèi)的一個公交車站等車。站臺上有 6 輛不同的公交車,線路和目的地各不相同。車流量很大,候車的乘客每分鐘都在增加。在午后繁忙的車流中,公交車以所能達到的最快速度來來往往。
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A bus pulls up, it’s not mine, I barely notice the doors opening and people getting on and off. But after about a minute I notice the bus is still there, the exit door still open. There are three buses sitting behind it, waiting to pull into the stop. Those stacked-up buses are blocking one of two lanes on a major road and that’s unusual, usually they’re in and out like oiled clockwork.

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Looking in through the bus window I see a woman with an infant strapped to her chest, her arms extended as if pushing a stroller. I can hear the bus driver over the tannoy, asking people to make way, open a passage for her to exit. I see just about everybody on the bus straining backwards to let her through and a couple of older guys with arms outstretched, almost lixing arms, ‘making room’ for her to pass.

透過車窗往里看,我看到一位胸前綁著嬰兒的婦女,她伸開雙臂,好像在推嬰兒車。我聽到巴士司機在高音喇叭里要求大家讓路,為她打開一條下車通道。我看到公交車上的每個人都在努力地向后退,讓她通過,還有幾個年長的人伸出手臂,幾乎是手拉手,為她 "讓路"。
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I can see the Young Mum, almost in tears, bowing and apologising to all and sundry, trying her best to move through the crush. Almost everyone on the bus was somehow contributing to the group effort to help her and her two children to get off. But the stroller was banging up against legs, bags and suitcases, she wasn’t making much progress.


I stepped out of the bus-line, up onto the bus, took two paces, grabbed the lip of the stroller, looked Young Mum in the eye, nodded encouragingly and voiced the Japanese equivalent of “heave-ho!” as we both picked up the stroller and carried it to the exit. Six seconds later, we’re off the bus. Major traffic jam averted.


Everyone on that bus was invested in helping Young Mum, but no one would enter into her personal zone and physically engage. They were quite happy to, considered it their civic duty to make a path, ask others to ‘make way, move down the back, let her through’ and all the other passive actions that had filled the 90 second drama. But no one did the unthinkable of getting directly involved, without invitation, to take physical control of Young Mum and her children.


It doesn’t get more Japanese than that.


@Carolina Estrada
My friend and I were walking down a street when I noticed a 1 yen coin on the sidewalk. I pointed at it and picked it up thinking it was a lucky find.

我和朋友走在街上,發(fā)現(xiàn)人行道上有一枚 1 日元硬幣。我指著它并撿了起來,以為這是一個幸運的發(fā)現(xiàn)。

Three steps later my friend stopped. She said she’d prefer to put it back, and explained how in Japan they believe that when someone loses something it’s possible they will come back looking for it, so nobody takes anything that doesn’t belong to them. Not even a cent someone dropped on the street.


I felt embarrassed and immediately put it back.


@Scott Egan

I worked in a government office in Japan thirty years ago. After one month on the job I returned to my desk (after being away the ENTIRE day) to find $3,000 worth of yen on my desk. Just sitting there, right on top, in fresh new bills. I, of course, reported this to my boss, who replied that it was my salary, and presented the pay receipt that was underneath.

三十年前,我在日本的一個政府辦公室工作。工作一個月后,我回到辦公桌前(離開了一整天),發(fā)現(xiàn)桌上放著價值 3000 美元的日元。嶄新的鈔票就放在上面。我當然向老板報告了這一情況,老板回答說這是我的工資,并出示了下面的工資收據(jù)。

This simply has to be the most exclusively Japanese thing there is. What other country would have had this as a common practice?


I have no idea whether this is still done today.


@Marshall Gittler
Baths. Taking a hot bath every night is almost a religious ritual for many Japanese. Most homes have a bathtub; a shower is an afterthought.


And people go on holiday to…take baths. There are hot springs where you go simply to take one bath after another. In the morning you take a bath before breakfast. You eat, then you take another bath. You lounge around for awhile. Then in the evening…another bath. There are hot spring towns where someone staying at any of the inns has access to all the hot springs of the town, and you will spend your day going from inn to inn taking baths — like bar-hopping, only it’s bath-hopping.


I must say that there is almost nothing nicer than spending a day skiing and then in the evening when you’re really tired and sore, sitting outside in a lovely pool of hot water, snow falling on your head, the sake container floating next to you. You can regulate your temperature by moving up and down in the water.


Someone asked why that guy in the photo is sitting with the towel on his head. The towel is used to scrub yourself, so it becomes dirty (even though you rinse it). Japanese people therefore avoid putting it in the water that everybody shares.


@Predrag Gulan
Several things in no particular order, based on my interaction both through work and private life with thousands of individual Japanese.


First has to be the two-facedness, the universal insincerity the honne and tatemae thing which many Japanese explain away as common cultural trait, while the rest see as a shocking example of deceit and chronic dishonesty. While deceit is indeed differently seen in different cultures and continents, Japan seems to have mastered the subtle art.


Perhaps the worst part of this is how Japanese downplay it, seeing it as normal interaction, even a form of kindness…


when in fact it is a very deliberate and elaborate ploy to deceive the others, especially those which they don’t like. And Japanese, being very judgmental and used to a closed society where everyone follows the same rules and even thoughts, usually have a long list of things that might get you ‘disliked’.

而事實上,這是一種非??桃夂途脑O(shè)計的欺騙他人的伎倆,尤其是那些他們不喜歡的人。日本人非常善于評判,習慣于封閉的社會,每個人都遵守同樣的規(guī)則,甚至思想也是如此,他們通常會列出一長串可能會讓你 "不喜歡 "的事情。

They very often mistake it for or misrepresenting it as not being blunt to people, and having basic manners, but in reality it is far far worse and far more extreme. It’s not just saying ‘that looks great on you’ to your friend even though it doesn’t really, it is going the extra mile in smiling, bowing, showing all kinds of somewhat extremely affectionate or at least courteous behaviour that is almost in reverse proportion to the Japanese person’s actual feelings about you. As if they intentionally want to cover up their true feelings with over the top smiling and kindness, before they go behind your back and strike you when and where it hurts the most.


A Japanese football player is dissatisfied with the European club’s treatment and delayed salaries, instead of voicing his dissatisfaction to anybody, he decides to fake happiness and friendliness with both the club and the fellow players and return the warm hearted smiles to fans who already grew to like him - only to choose the eve of the most important match of the season to literally disappear, abandon his team mates, not to mention fans, and announce his decision on social networks. A Pearl Harbor, just in football. The team ends up losing the title…


There’s a reason why Audition is one of the best Japanese films ever made.


2. Which brings me to no.2 - The ticking bomb: backstabbing, playing dumb thorough facade creating, conflict avoidance and suppressed cruelty.

這就引出了第 2 點--定時炸彈:背后捅刀子、裝傻充愣、徹底偽裝、回避沖突和壓抑殘忍。

Japanese people are pressured into forced pseudo kindness by post WWII societal norms and image Japanese leadership wants to send into the world. But more often than not the cruelty which was such a major part of pre modern and early 20th c Japan, manages to creep through the facade of kind, shy and polite society. Only two or three generations ago, Japan was a sadistic capital of the world, responsible for some of the most heinous crimes on an unprecedented scale, even in the context of the most destructive global war world has ever seen. Most shockingly, sadism of Japanese in WWII was not protested but was glorified at home, and excused in years/decades to come. And this heartless cruelty wasn’t reserved only for ‘’the others’’, ‘’the foreigners’.

日本人迫于二戰(zhàn)后的社會規(guī)范和日本領(lǐng)導層希望向世界展示的形象,不得不假裝善良。但是,在現(xiàn)代以前和 20 世紀初的日本,殘酷往往是一個重要的組成部分,它設(shè)法透過善良、害羞和彬彬有禮的社會表象悄悄滲透進來。就在兩三代人之前,日本還是世界上的虐待狂之都,犯下了一些規(guī)??涨暗奶咸熳镄?,甚至在世界有史以來最具破壞性的全球戰(zhàn)爭中也是如此。最令人震驚的是,日本人在二戰(zhàn)中的虐待行為不僅沒有受到抗議,反而在國內(nèi)得到了美化,并在未來數(shù)年/數(shù)十年中得到了原諒。而且,這種無情的殘忍行為并不只針對 "其他人"、"外國人"。

Fast forward a couple of decades and Japan seems like this utopian, peace loving kawaii culture place full of docile men and giggling women acting like they’re 12 y.o. even well into their 60′s. The rosy image is only interrupted by daily suicides by depressed and depreciated women and overworked men.

幾十年過去了,日本似乎成了一個烏托邦式的、熱愛和平的卡哇伊文化之地,到處都是溫順的男人和咯咯笑著的女人,即使到了 60 多歲,他們?nèi)匀幌?12 歲的孩子一樣。只是每天都有抑郁、被貶低的女性和過度勞累的男性自殺,打破了這一美好的景象。

But occasionally, a society/government hellbent on keeping the image of docile utopia alive is challenged by events which prove that facade isn’t enough to cover the sadistic, inexplicably intolerant foundation much of the society is built upon. Then again, 200+ years of absolute military dictatorship and total isolation where any opposing voices were silenced…forever

但偶爾,一個一心想要保持溫順烏托邦形象的社會/政府也會受到一些事件的挑戰(zhàn),這些事件證明,這種門面并不足以掩蓋大部分社會建立在虐待狂、莫名其妙的不寬容基礎(chǔ)之上。話又說回來,200 多年的絕對軍事獨裁和完全孤立,任何反對的聲音都被永遠壓制......

A great, though horrific, illustration of this is the shocking case of Junko Furuta, a schoolgirl who was held captive, tortured in the most gruesome of ways before her life was extinguished after 40 horrendous days in hell in 1989.

1989 年,一名女學生古田順子(Junko Furuta)被囚禁,遭受了最可怕的折磨,在地獄中煎熬過了 40天之后 ,她的生命就此終結(jié)。

How is this an illustration of typical traits of Japanese society? DIdn’t we have all kinds of cruel murders all over the world. Well…not like this one.


Not only was her 40 day torture, sexual abuse and subsequent murder and burial in a concrete barrel almost unprecedented but the other facts are as well.

她不僅遭受了 40 天的折磨、性虐待,隨后被謀殺并埋葬在水泥桶中,這幾乎是史無前例的,而且其他事實也是如此。

She was ruthlessly abused and killed just for rejecting a boy from her school.


She wasn’t tortured and killed by one psychopath, but four. And they were 16,17 and 18 year old.

她不是被一個變態(tài)折磨致死的,而是被四個變態(tài)折磨致死的。他們分別是 16、17 和 18 歲。
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She wasn’t r*ped by one abuser, not by four above, but by A HUNDRED DIFFERENT MEN!!! over 400 times

她不是被一個施暴者強奸,也不是被上述四個人強奸,而是被數(shù)百個不同的男人強奸?。?!超過 400 次

All that over almost two months in a house where one of the perpetrators’ PARENTS LIVED and WERE PRESENT.
Parents who chose to IGNORE the horror and even MISLEAD THE POLICE once they started to suspect. Because face, reputation, upsetting the zen like balance…


The same police and judicial system of Japan that proceeded to give minimal sentences to the perpetrators before releasing them. Because nothing is more sacred in Japan than covering things up. Case of Issei Sagawa comes to mind as well…


What this case shows isn't the isolated event of some girl being murdered by a mentally deranged criminal, even a mass murderer, it is the example of a suppressed brutality of men/people in Japan who are being given confusing messages from the society, where the women and ‘the others’ are treated as a second rate citizens, and where the pressure to conform is causing some of them to explode as soon as the opportunity arises, and commit the unspeakable crimes.

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It is an example of people prioritising conformism over morality and humanity, like the parents and the judicial system did.


The above image of almost compassionate ‘’WE ARE VERY SORRY’’ followed by the most blatantly racist, xenophobic and discriminatory thing you can imagine ‘’NO FOREIGNERS ALLOWED’’ deceivingly phrased as ‘’BUT WE CAN’T ACCEPT FOREIGN CUSTOMERS’’ is a great example of both, and the two are perhaps the most Japanese thing ever.


BONUS - Social awkwardness. Japan is a hyper collectivist, materialist, introvert, intolerant, oppressively standardised, inflexible society that exerts incredible pressure onto their own people (let alone foreigners), where families are disconnected, authority is absolute, peer pressure tremendous, where workers are mentally and physically ravaged and where no one says what they mean and hide behind a veneer of politeness.

額外補充 - 社交尷尬。日本是一個高度集體主義、物質(zhì)主義、內(nèi)向、不寬容、過度標準化、缺乏靈活性的社會,對本國人民(更不用說外國人了)施加了巨大的壓力。在這個社會中,家庭關(guān)系疏離,權(quán)威至高無上,同伴壓力巨大,工人身心俱疲,沒有人說出真正的想法,而是隱藏在禮貌的外表之下。

That is not exactly a place where personality thrives and where people are encouraged to build healthy relationships with others. The result of that is social awkwardness and chronic inability to interact with others, especially dreaded foreigners, which not only makes them avoid even sitting beside a foreigner on a packed train, but also avoid any social interaction with their own countrymen.


Self destructive loyality to the authority, be it the emperor or more recently the company resulting in - karoshi. Death from overwork. This means there is this senseless tendency of Japanese to follow, even to a nonsencial self depreciating self destructive outcome, which starts with not leaving your company before the manager does, despite having gone beyond working hours and having absolutely nothing to do…and ends with…we all know what…


While every country has drunks, beggars and homeless people, only Japan have people in full 700$ suits lying around the street, the tube, anywhere…

每個國家都有醉漢、乞丐和無家可歸的人,只有日本的大街上、地鐵里、任何地方都有穿著 700 美元全套西裝的人......

Virtue signaling. While not unique to Japan, and often mixed up with obedience, which some countries do even better than Japan, there is a Japanese tendency to do things to either impress or conform even when you strongly disagree. In Japan that might be conformity, so a society of most Covid vaccine doubters will have the highest vaccination rate, but when they do it even outside Japan it is to show off some sort of superior morality, some sort of superiority, as subtle as they usually do things. So now, months after even the official end of COVID pandemic, you have Japanese people insisting on wearing masks abroad, even though they’d be the only ones doing it, surrounded by thousands of normal looking people. You would have Japanese picking up rubbish from the stands of stadiums, even though there is a well developed system of maintenance and people actually payed for doing exactly that. All that comes from this image of Japanese exceptionalism and superiority over everyone else which is, when you look beyond the facade of humility and ‘politeness’, omnipresent in that society. They actually believe that, even though the above norms will never let them voice it.


Although Japan itself doesn’t really benefit from the same favours by its supposedly hyper responsible citizenry.

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Cheating. Infidelity. Going back to what was already known about Japan - relationships, marriage in particular, being unusually superficial, interest based, rather than romance based endeavours, it might not come a surprise that both men and women, a vast majority apparently, consider cheating a normal, acceptable, if not in some cases desirable thing. Even when they recognise a more human part of being deeply hurt by being cheated on, they still explain it away by ‘’I’d be upset but it’s acceptable’’. This coping culture is also very typical Japanese thing. I’m bedazzled by it way too much to dive in that a bit more. So I’ll just leave this here.
