All major civilizations in history have eventually fallen and given rise to new ones. What will be the reason the US falls eventually?
All major civilizations in history have eventually fallen and given rise to new ones. What will be the reason the US falls eventually?
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Of course, life doesn’t necessarily comes to a screeching halt for the people who had been living in a great power (though apparently it cause the Portuguese to grow morose and start making beautifully sad music, but I suspect there was a morose streak all along), so the fall might not even be noticed for a while. Perhaps it already happened.
The coming dark ages because of what happened to Ann and I will destroy every country in the world. They tried to keep Germany and maybe japan functioning but even that they couldn’t do. What gives Ann and I that kind of power? We were put together by GOD and then destroyed and GOD obviously isn’t too happy about it.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
The fascists who are about to re-enter the White House on the 20th of January. They’ve been systematically dismantling our democratic institutions, processes and our nation of laws. That process will continue, accelerated, after the 20th. Say goodbye to democracy, OP.
History is replete with examples that prove that NO fascist government ends well. This incoming US government will prove that rule and all of us will suffer for it.
Well right now at the end of 2024, the USA is heading in a political direction that resembles a cliff edge all prepared for your free fall from grace.Your new oligarchical politics fronted by an idiot is the best way to create a dictatorship to rival Mussolini, and Stalin.
Oh,I don't think it will fall because of one man. Empires don't do that. They go through a period of decline and revival several times before they fall apart.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I think the very simple answer is - Trump. He is a complete and total failure as a businessman, knows less than nothing about politics and is stunningly ignorant about economics. He is genuinely eager to destroy his own country, for the sake of the almighty dollar. He is an actual criminal and this is what Americans voted in - a second time?! May God have mercy on the souls of all Americans, who are not Millionaires or Billionaires! They are all going to need a lot of “thoughts and prayers”!
It's gonna be more biblical with you guys for sure..you're shit is all over the last chapters its a wonder you ask.. So basically somehow all the blacks from the US (and the whole world too) will be taken back to Africa.Then..its gonna be some apocalyptic shit going down for the rest of you back there, (any and all disasters can now fit the narrative, your pick..)I'm not that racist just the bearer and bringer of terrible news.. Keep yours eyes peeled for the rap
Not, exactly. Today’s western states are democratic. Previously, almost all fallen civilisations were autocracies, to a greater or lesser extent. Autocracies are inherently more likely to fall, as they concentrate power at the top. Democracies treat leaders as replaceable. It’s in their very nature. They’re more of an allegiance to a process than allegiance to a person. It’s harder to destabilise that. When the post, not the person is what’s important, it lends an inherent stability to a system, and a nation is a system. Also, democracies usually have contingencies as to what happens when a person is removed (including killed) in their post. Have you noticed many civil wars in a democracy? This lends stability, and with that comes a national identity built over time. Today’s states are far more stable than the kingdoms and empires of before.
Same reason most of the rest have fallen. They become ripe in iniquity. They attract destruction to themselves. It is the law of the Harvest, law of Attraction, Karma, etc. As we feel and follow our conscience, we vibrate at a higher level and attract the good things that vibrate at that level. As we ignore or reject the counsel from God through our conscience, we vibrate slower and attract the evil things that vibrate at that level. Wars, pestilence, pandemics, tsunamis, volcano, earthquakes, etc.
The same reason as the rest. When the rulers forget the reason for the rise, forget the implicit social contract with the people and think only of their own social enrichment rather that the good of the entity.
The U.S. will change. One will call it a fall, others a release or rise.
The U.S. will became more and more a pacific Continent. More whites are dying ( naturally) than all others. And more coloured people come to America, legally or illegally.
Surely there are groups that want to build a wall. But will this really work? I don't believe.
I fear I will still see riots and raids, perhaps even civil war, the U.S. has not learned a bit from the first civil war. (I am 64 years old)
All major civilizations in history have eventually fallen and given rise to new ones.
The USA is not a “civilisation”, it is just an offshoot of European “civilisation”.
The USA has aspirations of worldwide political and economic domination that can be dated back to 1823 (The doctrine of USA President Monro)e. Until after WW2 its attempt was unsuccessful. The last time the USA won a war it has instigated was 1898 (The USA-Spanish War).
In 2019, the USA’s Secretary of State, Pompeo, whilst threatening the USA’s military allies declared the USA an empire, and anyone that did not do as the USA wills will feel the repercussions!
The USA is the shortest lived empire in modern history
What will be the reason the US falls eventually?
Delusions of exceptionalism! Plus societal inequity, and economic mismanagement.
USA has the strongest military, strongest Economy, sizable land territory, major population center. Great infrastructure for law and order. Land of opportunity attracts the brightest human capital. Much of the world investment is directed to USA, stock market, USA debt bonds, dollar as currency reserve. Great geography with hard to reach borders, and peaceful neighbors.
Internal collapse. Their national debt exceeds their GDP by 133% which is a new record set this year. They have no money to provide sessential services to the population and no money to provide stimulus to manufacturing or jobs
Military defeat is never impossible. Environmental cataclysm becomes more and more plausible every day. Depending on what is meant by “the US falls”, it may be more likely that the US incrementally morphs into something unrecognizable today. The plutocratic oligarchy of the US today would have been beyond comprehension in 1783. Even without a sudden transformation, everything you value about the US today may be erased in much less time than in the passing of another 237 years.
US is not a civilization, is only part of it. Even when US will fall from grace, the civilization will continue to exist.
Decline is as usual, combination of internal and external forces. From the inside economic and social stagnation, corrupt government, civil war, you name it. There will be a point that US will no longer be relevant to the rest of the world.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
This is asking me to speculate on some future event and I am not a seer nor a Nostradamus. We are a great country, true, but I would not call us an empire. Are we ever going to have a downfall? The answer is very probably but who knows when that will take place. It may even be beginning now with the US having installed that orange buffoon, Donald Trump, as it’s president.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Most empires conquered other people’s lands and had to keep military forces in those lands to get the taxes and putting down revolts. The American settlers did conquer the homelands of hundred of local little nations, but their numbers were so reduced by diseases and their condition, that today less than 1% of the US population is made up of aboriginal “indians”and the likelihood of internal revolts by them appears to be less than negligible.
Most great empires end due to decadence. US will end just like all great empires but it’s hard to put a time frx, unless there’s a devastating blow to the economy or an eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano. Han Dynasty lasted 500 years, and the Roman Empires lasted till 1453 in the form of the Byzantine empire. US could carry on for a long period of time until it becomes just another large country, a group of countries or dissolved.
Throughout the history of the world, empires fall for two primary reasons:
Too much debt
Military overstretch (which is often the cause of problem #1 listed above)
Read Paul Kennedy’s “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers” for some excellent historical examples.
Whether the US is the leader of that future renaissance or not is the question that will be determined over the next few decades.