Why does everyone love Elon Musk?
Why does everyone love Elon Musk?
很贊 ( 3 )
Because he actually wants to change the World, and he can.
You see, there are many people who want to change the World. Who hope in better lives, not only for them, but for all humankind. But it’s difficult, very difficult.
And then there are some people who can change the World more easily, people that have millions or billions of dollars, amounts of money that are impossible to spend in a lifetime.
He doesn’t put his own benefit before everyone else’s.
That’s why everyone loves Elon Musk!
Technically he never went bankrupt.
Running out of money isn’t bankrupt.
Bankrupcy is when you can’t pay your debts. He never quite reached that point.
At some point he lived off money borrowed from friends, meaning he had near zero liquidity, but considering his Tesla stock after the IPO we was already worth billions if he could sell his position.
But I wholeheartedly agree with everything else.
He was bankrupt ….he had to take personal loan from his friends to pay his rents in 2008
There are those who love change, and those who resist it.
Here's why I hate Elon Musk. Everyone flaunts the good he's done. Well he ATTEMPTED to screw me over and likely did so to countless Americans.
But the point is Elon Musk tried to become a loan shark. He's no hero. He's a fraud.
Why is everyone obsessed with Elon Musk?
I'm an African 50 years plus of age and have lived all my life in East Africa. That simply means it is highly unlikely that I will experience Elon's innovations or products in my part of the world.
We live in a dead era devoid of imagination, bereft of heroes and without virtue. This is a culture of monsters where the most brutal are most rewarded and, tragically, idolized.
In the 1950s, Jonas Salk was a living God for the polio vaccine and our deliverance from the abject horror of paralysis. Today, well, it's guys who got lucky with big mouths. Steve Jobs was a decorator and a hack and he is revered as something like the second coming of Jesus Christ. Where are the heroes? Where are the good guys? We live a polluted toilet bowl of greed and stupidity.
Why is everyone obsessed with Elon Musk?
While I can’t answer for everyone else, I can share why I love reading about Elon Musk.
Let me preface my answer with this: I’m not obsessed with him per se, I am obsessed with greatness.
Because at some point in my life I also want to make a dent in the universe, and I think that if I ever want to achieve greatness, I need to study those who are already great.
Thus, I’m obsessed with Julius Caesar, Marcus Aurelius, Leonardo DaVinci, Pythagoras, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, George Patton, Winston Churchill, Novak Djokovic, Barak Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, etc…
I buy and consume all material available on people whom I consider great, just because I find it inspiring and motivational.
The world is affected by the boiling frog syndrome caused by an incessant need for progress, and he happens to be one of the head-frogs.
We survived for millions of years communicating with signals smoke and messengers. Now? The by-products of iPhones and other infosphere apparatus are contributing to killing the environment:
I don't follow Musk’s work any more than I follow other bad news like whale beaching and ocean pollution. I am sure he's got good ideas, but I'm also sure that he doesn't get it, being too full of them.
As an addendum, I could also say, backed by Einstein’s saying that insanity consists of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, that all those who believe that progress will solve the problems caused by progress are a bunch of insane idiots.
Everyone loves people who are ideal; or who they think are ideal
Elon is a very successful entrepreneur who is what everyone wants to be. He is rich, smart, handsome (to an extent) and founder of many billion dollar companies.
This is similar to many Hollywood romances that are successful - people want the reel life to become their reality. People want to be like Elon.
Least did they realize that he is extremely workaholic to an extent many people cannot survive doing that, and there is even a case against many of his companies saying that the companies are making them to work so hard overtime and not paying them for their extra work.
This is what people tend to be; they tend to ignore the negative aspects of a person, whilst worshipping their positive traits.
Note: Before starting to curse me in the comments, I am not a hater of Elon. I admire him, I really do. I merely highlighted the fact that he is loved because many people tend to overlook people’s negative traits if their positive traits shadow his negative ones
Why do people like Elon Musk?
I don’t know of many who like “him” - in fact, I don’t know that we really *know* him….he is fairly private and doesn’t speak much about who he is….but many admire his accomplishments and the traits of tenacity, persistence, and the ability to make his ideas become reality.
PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, Solar City…h(huán)e is changing the world in positive, civilization-shifting ways.
…and for that, I certainly “l(fā)ike” him too.
The more accurate question would be 'what is there to love from Elon?’ and the answer is simple. He is different. Intellectually speaking I will argue he is not the most talented. However intellectual people are abundant. What is rarer is brave. He is braver than average, coupled with upper middle intelligence. Now that is rarer than a bookworm who claims to know so much about universe yet spend every day thinking and playing Quora
Elon Musk is one of the best CEO and humanatic person in the world. Because of this characteristics , he is a different from any other CEO in the world. He is a great creator inspired by innovation and technology.when he sold x.com/PayPal to ebay, he received 165 million dollars. And he founded SpaceX. He believed that petrol cars were not sustainable things, in long term, so he founded Tesla motor. The compony specialized in electrical cars, lithium - ion battery, solar panels and solar roof tiles etc.
So, that's why everyone does love elon musk.
Why do people like Elon Musk?
From the point of view of a sci-fi reader, Elon Musk’s plans are pure Heinlein. He has a vision of the future, ranging from space travel to energy sources, that many people grew up expecting would be realized by now. To see someone endeavoring to make rocket shuttles affordable, along with an end to fossil-fuel-based terrestrial transportation, is incredibly gratifying. Plus, his base of operations is Los Angeles, home to some of the greatest engineering minds in aerospace.
Like a Heinlein character he actually executes those plans, though at great personal cost. Those sorts of plans never seemed impossible, they just didn’t happen. Elon dusts them off and proves that they really did make sense. Watching him build the Starship, a shiny stainless steel rocket with legs and fins, at rough outdoor construction sites in Texas and Florida using ordinary welders and cranes and then within months actually flying it is like a modern big budget movie of a Heinlein novel. It turns out there are no laws that the NASA way of doing things for billions of dollars and taking years to do nothing is the only way. NASA doesn’t even have any say over what the standards are for human Space travel if they’re not funding it. Elon is just going to go back to the moon and to Mars to stay his way and let NASA and everybody else get with his program or not as they please.
Before you ask why, ask whether! The idea that everyone loves Elon Musk is frightening. Your values are severely out of whack. He’s a complete stranger to you, and not particularly lovable.
Many people, including myself, admire him for various good reasons. Probably envy him also. But he’s as remote as Kim Kardashian or Genghis Khan, really, and if you actually feel an emotional connection to him - you need to stop! It’s extremely unhealthy psychologically.
Love your family, friends, and pets, not this distant public figure you know almost nothing of.