美國議員提出法案,若通過在美國下載 DeepSeek 將被定為犯罪,最高可判處 20 年監(jiān)禁。
US residents would soon need to pirate deepseek if they want to use it
US residents would soon need to pirate deepseek if they want to use it
美國居民要是想用 DeepSeek,很快就得去盜版了。
美國居民要是想用 DeepSeek,很快就得去盜版了。

很贊 ( 34 )
likes: 1881
They love open source, but only if its from them
likes: 241
And if they can make a buck off it.
likes: 50
Would this mean that it'll be illegal to host it on servers that are on US land as well? Since hosting is technically importing and exporting it as well.
We'll have to turn to PRC hosting platform to host it now?
這是不是說,以后在美國境內(nèi)的服務器上托管這個東西也犯法了? 畢竟托管也算是技術上的進出口嘛。 難道我們現(xiàn)在就得去找中國的服務器來托管了?
likes: 27
You can host in Canada. We'd be happy to take more American money. Honestly if I were a corporation anywhere, I'd be debating getting my infrastructure outside of the United States.
可以在加拿大托管啊。 我們可高興多賺點美國佬的錢了。 說真的,我要是哪家公司,肯定得考慮把基礎設施搬到美國境外去。
likes: 5
Yeah, but sadly most infrastructure are in the US, and most internet company are located in US.
Even if GitHub or Amazon host it on another country other than US, they are still subjected to US law. And if a company located outside US decided to not follow US law on this ban, they can embargo the company, forbidding them to use all US related technology.
So even if open source, sadly it is still subjected to US law regardless.
是啊,但可惜的是,大部分基礎設施都在美國,大部分互聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司也在美國。 就算 GitHub 或者亞馬遜把東西放在美國以外的國家,還是得受美國法律管。 而且,要是有美國境外的公司不聽美國這禁令,美國就能制裁他們,不讓他們用任何跟美國技術沾邊的東西。 所以說,就算開源也沒用,最后還是得聽美國的。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 11
These days that's becoming less and less true. While it still is, the US's position as a global superpower is waning thanks in part due to recent events, and thanks in part to various other powers catching up and in some ways even surpassing the complacent and decadent US.
現(xiàn)在這話越來越站不住腳了。 雖然現(xiàn)在還是這樣,但美國這全球霸主的地位是越來越不行了,一部分是因為最近發(fā)生的那些事兒,一部分也是因為其他國家都追上來了,有些方面甚至超過了美國這個自滿又腐朽的家伙。
likes: 2
But US still hold the most patent law and most if not all technology company is US based.
If US embargo them from using US patent and US tech, most company would be out of juice. Not to mention US embargo usually applies to the whole world except maybe China, India and Russia
但美國現(xiàn)在還是專利法最多,而且大部分科技公司,就算不是全部,也都在美國。 要是美國不讓他們用美國專利和技術,大部分公司都得歇菜。 更別說美國的制裁一般都是全球性的,可能就中國、印度、俄羅斯能躲開。
likes: 3
As said, they hold all of that for now. Right now they're giving up a lot of their soft power which is their key to keeping all of that in place. They've already alienated my home country, Canada. They're in the process of alienating the EU, have alienated Mexico and so on and have proven they're absolutely unreliable. The days of the US being the world police are over if this continues.
就像我說的,他們現(xiàn)在是占著這些東西。 但他們現(xiàn)在正在丟掉很多軟實力,這軟實力才是他們能維持住這些東西的關鍵。 他們已經(jīng)跟我老家加拿大鬧掰了。 還在跟歐盟鬧,墨西哥也得罪了,反正就是證明了他們完全靠不住。 要是這樣下去,美國當世界警察的日子就到頭了。
likes: 3
That's true, but sadly the alternative aren't anything better, even if we had one.
Canada don't have the soft power to become the next superpower, UK have their own problem, EU is too divided, India isn't prepared yet, and China is a dictatorship.
Perhaps decentralize is the way forward
這話沒錯,但可惜的是,就算有別的選擇,也好不到哪兒去。 加拿大沒那軟實力當下一個霸主,英國自己一堆破事兒,歐盟又太散,印度還沒準備好,中國又是DC。 可能去中心化才是出路。
likes: 1
I think it will be decentralized for a while. Right now Canada is opening up more trade with the US and is likely to with China as well, and the UK too if our government plays its cards right, leading to a new trade bloc the US has little control over, which will push us closer to that direction. Personally I'm more excited than anything at the prospect as the US and its laws have stifled innovation, and served to only prop up monstrous monopolies.
我覺得去中心化會持續(xù)一段時間。 現(xiàn)在加拿大在跟美國擴大貿(mào)易,估計也會跟中國擴大,英國要是政府牌打得好也能加入,這樣就能搞出一個美國管不著的新貿(mào)易集團,會把我們往那個方向推。 我個人還挺激動的,因為美國和他們的法律壓制創(chuàng)新,只會扶持那些大壟斷怪物。
likes: 7
How is hosting importing/exporting? And as for importing the software you can go the same route as PGP did when exporting cryptography was illegal.
托管怎么就變成進出口了? 而且要說進口軟件,你們可以學學當年 PGP 的招兒,那時候出口加密技術是違法的。
likes: 10
> export
Bruh. Maybe you haven't seen the US government over the last 50 years or so.... But they pretty much don't give a fuck and will do anything to do whatever the fuck they want. Even if that means violating what is the spirit of law or fuck it thr actual laws!
That being said the whole TikTok ban thing is essentially a good recent showing of them contorting US-based businesses that host it with astronomical fines if they don't bend the knee. I can imagine something similar they can come up with in The New Land Of the Free. I mean the whole fact that they categorized encryption as munitions back in the days was actually their proto-display of their dire need to force its will and control..
哥們兒,你可能是不了解美國政府這五十年來的尿性吧... 他們根本不在乎,想干什么就干什么。 就算違反法律精神,甚至直接違反法律,他們也照干不誤! 就說最近那個 TikTok 禁令,他們不就硬逼著美國公司,說你要是敢托管 TikTok 就罰你一大筆錢,看你跪不跪。 我估計在“自由的新大陸”上,他們也能搞出類似的幺蛾子。 你想想,他們當年把加密技術歸類為軍火,不就是赤裸裸地想強行控制一切嗎?
likes: 5
In order to host, you will have to download the weight from the developer (read, China) onto the server, hence by the bill's definition, is considered "importing China made AI".
At the same time, when you are hosting, you are allowing people to download the weight from your server, hence "exporting the AI made by China" by the definition of the bill.
要托管的話,你得先把模型權重從開發(fā)者那里(也就是中國)下載到服務器上,按這個法案的說法,這就叫“進口中國制造的 AI”。 同時,你托管了,就等于允許別人從你的服務器上下載權重,按這個法案的定義,又成了“出口中國制造的 AI”了。
likes: 250
and they don't even have a good one.
likes: 48
> They love open source
Do they?
likes: 26
They love it when they can exploit it , then patent a version of it and use funding to destroy it and all competition around it.
likes: 17
They love open source so they can sell it. If some other country is preventing you from selling it for money, then jail them using it for free.
他們喜歡開源,是為了能拿去賣錢。 要是哪個國家不讓你賣,還免費用你的開源,那就抓起來關監(jiān)獄。
likes: 2905
truly the land of the free
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 1182
likes: 251
That is the most profound thing I have read all year. You sir, are a genius
這是我今年讀到的最深刻的話了。 哥們,你真是個天才。
likes: 138
Is this what they called American Dream?
likes: 260
**The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it**. More so now
likes: 101
At one point, around the late 90’s early 2000’s, something absurd like 25% of all prisoners in earth were in American prisons. Don’t recall the exact year and number, but I did an essay on racial profiling and prison statistics in the US.
我記得九十年代末,兩千年初那會兒,地球上好像有百分之二十五的囚犯都在美國監(jiān)獄里,離譜得要死。 具體哪年和數(shù)字我記不清了,但我當時寫過一篇關于美國種族歧視和監(jiān)獄統(tǒng)計的文章。
likes: 100
It's still over 20% today.
likes: 78
It’s really weird how any American can look at that and claim that they are living in the “l(fā)and of the free”.
likes: 68
most americans don't know that statistic and would probably tell you it's bs if you tried to tell them
likes: 3
They call themselves the land of the free, but in reality, I have never heard more bullshit than that.
You are free to have a big corporation get their votes to run you over because lobbying made them count more than yours
You are free to have those votes ban your freedoms and revoke your human rights because some rich CEO thinks it's better if you don't exist.
You are free to sign a contract that leaves you with nothing in the end.
You are free to vote for only two presidents who will both ruin the country even more when they are done sipping soda in a bath of one of their 32 bathrooms in the white house.
You are free to be forced in military service once said president decides to declare a war.
你可以“自由地”看著這些選票剝奪你的自由,撤銷你的人權,就因為某些有錢的 CEO 覺得你最好別存在。
likes: -61
Tell me you don't understand how politics works without telling me you don't understand how politics works. These kinds of performative bills get submitted all the time and never passed.
你用你的行動告訴我你不懂政治的運作。 這種作秀一樣的法案多了去了,從來沒通過過。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 29
Previously, yes, but with the current state of American politics, the systems which were meant to prevent bills like this passing aren't exactly working as intended right now.
likes: 41
Oh, you thinking about the before times. This isn't the before times. There almost zerorule of law protecting regular people right now.
哦,你還活在過去呢。 現(xiàn)在不一樣了。 現(xiàn)在幾乎沒啥法律能保護老百姓了。
likes: 15
The rule of law will work as intended for regular people. But it won’t be protecting them. Not anymore.
法律還是會“按預期”運作的,對老百姓來說。 只不過,它不會保護老百姓了。 現(xiàn)在不會了。
likes: 6
Well, can you explain how politics works? I mean, do you actually understand what specifically happens in between a bill like this being introduced and a bill like this being passed, and why in this particular case that process isn't going to happen?
Or are you just working on a superficial level of understanding, where you are aware that there are lots of bills that don't get passed, so you assume this is one of them? Are you counting on the fact that because so many bills that aren't "must pass" bills don't pass, then it doesn't matter what the specific bill is because as long as you guess that the bill won't pass, you have a decent chance of guessing right?
Do you have an explanation for why the bill banning tiktok passed but this one won't?
那你能解釋解釋政治是怎么運作的嗎? 我的意思是,你真明白這種法案從提出到通過,中間具體會發(fā)生什么嗎? 還有,你真知道為什么這次這個法案就通不過嗎?
還是說你只是停留在表面理解,知道有很多法案沒通過,就覺得這個也是其中之一? 你是覺得反正那么多“不是非過不可”的法案都通不過,所以具體是什么法案都無所謂,只要猜它通不過,就大概率猜對?
你能解釋一下,為什么禁 TikTok 的法案通過了,這個就通不過嗎?
likes: 4
Never say never in US politics
likes: 1190
US is so afraid about China beating them at their own game
likes: 377
China already did? The budget for deepseek was like a 5 million iirc, what was the cost of chat gpt?
中國不是已經(jīng)超了嗎? DeepSeek 的預算我記得才五百萬美元,ChatGPT 花了多少錢?
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 13
5 million to go from their v3 model to r1, although they already had 50,000 GPUs from their parent hedge fund company
五百萬美元是從他們的 v3 模型升級到 r1,而且他們母公司是對沖基金,本來就有五萬個 GPU。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 154
I doubt you fully understand the numbers here. For DeepSeek to have only spent $5.6 million, there would've absolutely had to be some heavy investment by another entity, which in this case is OpenAI. I believe The Primeagen has a good take on this matter, you can check out his videos.
This one: [https://youtu.be/2D9ON1ZQhnA?si=fDrn9gF-kdfzQQwY](https://youtu.be/2D9ON1ZQhnA?si=fDrn9gF-kdfzQQwY)
And this one (not so relevant to this discussion): [https://youtu.be/UB8tWlFQ00k?si=VwDBPL4mXEljKEN2](https://youtu.be/UB8tWlFQ00k?si=VwDBPL4mXEljKEN2)
我懷疑你沒完全搞懂這數(shù)字。 DeepSeek 要是只花了 560 萬美元,那肯定是有其他大金主投了不少錢,這個金主就是 OpenAI。 我覺得 The Primeagen 對這事兒分析得挺好,你可以看看他的視頻。
likes: 147
Deepseek logic model is an improvement on the software they did to accommodate for their lesser resources, the US AI sucks because they figured out brute force hardware works to the US benefit because no country besides them can afford such a method.
Like many things in the USA, the inefficient use of resources IS the point, that is why you have no public transportation (to sell more cars), why you have cost overruns with every project and why your military hasn't passed a single audit everything is more expensive because it has to be expensive... All the inefficiencies reminds me of the USSR.
DeepSeek 的邏輯模型,是他們在資源不足的情況下,為了適應環(huán)境搞出來的改進。 美國的人工智能不行,是因為他們發(fā)現(xiàn)靠堆硬件硬算,對美國有利,因為除了美國,沒哪個國家能負擔得起這種搞法。
就像美國很多事情一樣,低效利用資源才是重點。 這就是為啥你們沒公共交通(為了多賣車),為啥每個項目都超預算,為啥你們軍隊從來沒通過過一次審計。 所有東西都更貴,因為就得貴才行... 這種種低效,讓我想起了蘇聯(lián)。
likes: -8
You're kinda talking about the government, and the government isn't producing models. In this case, the main cost driver is training and labor, and labor in the US is expensive. Granted they used people all over the world to scrape, but much of this material is available for DeepSeek to use. On top of that, they used ChatGPT to train Deepseek itself. So the training materials and labor were far cheaper.
That's also if you honestly trust the figures. Compute isn't cheap anywhere, even China, and the numbers they are quoting are so ungodly low, it's making a lot of people look into it and realize it's probably nowhere near that low. Either way, it's far FAR cheaper when someone else built the foundation you're working on.
Also, they didn't include the hardware in the price: [https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/31/deepseeks-hardware-spend-could-be-as-high-as-500-million-report.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/31/deepseeks-hardware-spend-could-be-as-high-as-500-million-report.html)
Not to say it wasn't cheap, but it wasn't only 5 million either.
你說的有點跑題了,政府又不搞模型。 現(xiàn)在主要花錢的地方是訓練模型和人工,美國的勞動力是很貴的。 當然,他們是用了世界各地的人來抓取數(shù)據(jù),但 DeepSeek 也能用很多公開的數(shù)據(jù)。 而且,他們還用 ChatGPT 來訓練 DeepSeek 。 所以訓練材料和人工都便宜得多。
當然,前提是你真信那些數(shù)字。 算力在哪兒都不便宜,就算在中國也一樣,他們報的數(shù)字低的離譜,很多人都在研究這事兒,發(fā)現(xiàn)實際成本可能根本沒那么低。 但不管怎么說,要是有人幫你打好了基礎,你再往上蓋,肯定便宜得多。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 14
The waste is in the system, your farmers destroy crops and dump milk rather than sell it bellow market prices, your markets and restaurants dump food by the truck loads rather than donating it or making a system to bio recycle it. The entire edifice of the United States of America is a tribute to waste and inefficient use of resources...
浪費是體制性的,你們的農(nóng)民寧可毀掉莊稼,倒掉牛奶,也不肯低價賣。 你們的市場和餐館,一卡車一卡車地倒食物,也不捐出去,或者搞個系統(tǒng)生物回收。 整個美利堅合眾國,就是浪費和低效利用資源的豐碑...
likes: -4
That's got nothing to do with China being able to do something impossibly cheap. You're just jabbing at the west at this point. The west being wasteful doesn't make things impossibly cheap in China. It still requires a ton of video cards, and those video cards are priced in US dollars. As long as China uses US video cards, then China's participating in the wastefulness and has to deal with the same exact expenses.
這跟中國能把東西做得特別便宜沒關系。 你現(xiàn)在只是想懟西方。 西方浪費,又不會讓中國的東西變得特別便宜。 還是得用一大堆顯卡,顯卡還是美元定價的。 只要中國用美國的顯卡,那中國也一樣參與了浪費,也得承擔一樣的成本。
likes: 4
You mean Taiwanese cards, and they had very limited access to those cards that is why they had to make do with far less.
You are working off a napkin calculation that the Chinese MUST have had access to half a billion dollars of equipment to make this AI, but the point you are missing is that their software improvements were done as a side project that used the equipment they already had for other task.
Open AI, META and Google are scamming investors demanding resources they don't really need because brute force is easier for them, this is why our web browsers and programs need several gigs of memory these days, doing more with less is no longer a goal to strive for in most countries these days.
你以為中國人肯定得花五億美元的設備才能搞出這 AI,這是你一廂情愿的算法。 但你沒看到的是,他們的軟件改進是順帶搞出來的,用的還是他們本來就有的設備,那些設備本來是用來干別的的。
OpenAI、Meta 和谷歌,都在忽悠投資人,要他們投根本不需要的資源,因為對他們來說,硬堆資源最省事兒。 這就是為什么現(xiàn)在的瀏覽器和程序都動不動要好幾個 G 內(nèi)存。 現(xiàn)在大部分國家都不追求少花錢多辦事兒了。
likes: 182
OpenAI obviously did not violate any TOS or Copyright law when training on literally on the whole internet and literary material there is. In big games like this none of them play by the rules. The rules come after for the startups to not be able to catch up.
Look at Meta, Google, Amazon etc. All of them violated everything you could imagine. After they secured their power, rules were created so that anyone except those with massive wealth and infrastructure could compete at the space.
OpenAI 訓練模型的時候,抓取了整個互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和所有文學作品,顯然沒違反任何服務條款或者版權法。 在這種大玩家的游戲里,誰都不會按規(guī)矩來。 規(guī)矩都是后來給創(chuàng)業(yè)公司定的,免得他們追上來。
看看 Meta、谷歌、亞馬遜這些公司,哪個沒干過你能想到的各種違規(guī)事兒? 等他們坐穩(wěn)了位置,就開始立規(guī)矩,讓除了那些有錢有勢的公司,誰都別想跟他們競爭。
likes: 17
Not only are they there to protect against competition, I suspect they provide a way for the influential members of government to keep these tech CEOs under their thumb, "Oh you broke all these rules while running your company, do what we say or we'll start legal proceedings against you."
我覺得他們不光是為了防競爭,還想借此控制那些科技公司的 CEO。 “哦,你公司運營的時候違反了這么多規(guī)矩,聽我們的,不然我們就告你?!?/b>
likes: 75
Capitalists: "Ah, the free market, where the best compete and the strongest come out on top"
Capitalists when the competition is a Chinese company that trounces their models is way cheaper: "Waaaaaaaaaa no fair!!!"
資本家:“啊,自由市場,優(yōu)勝劣汰,強者生存?!?br /> 當競爭對手是中國公司,模型比他們好,價格還便宜的時候,資本家:“哇哇哇哇哇,不公平?。?!”
likes: 457
Can't compete? Just ban it—The US way of 'freedom.
競爭不過? 那就禁了它——這就是美國的“自由”。
likes: 48
'Also "don't want to compete."
likes: 649
"The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier its laws are."
likes: 173
The broligarchy doesn't want pesky competition or to create anything other than the dystopia they've envisioned.
這幫 “兄弟會寡頭” 就是不想有煩人的競爭,也不想創(chuàng)造任何東西,只想搞他們YY出來的那種反烏托邦。
likes: 180
Remember when an adversarial nation developing competing technology triggered nation wide calls to action go do it first/better? Thinking space race, making the first atom bomb, nuclear arms race (unfortunately), stuff like that? Now companies and the government sit down in a corner and pout like a new kid just came to class with cooler blocks. DeepSeek is a perfect vehicle to revitalize the tech sector and put it into overdrive. American companies have been resting on their laurels as if they're the permanent champions forever. If anyone makes something better, they cry that the tech was stolen instead of making any attempt to compete.
So fucking asinine. Think of the job creation that competitive growth manifests. CEOs should be rattled and gearing up for a real competition. Instead they cry into the pockets of lawmakers to effectively try to make market based competition illegal.
Why does every decade I survive need to get dumber?
還記得以前嗎? 要是有哪個敵對國家搞出了什么有競爭力的技術,全國上下都會呼吁趕緊行動,要搶在他們前面,做得更好! 想想太空競賽,造原子彈,核軍備競賽(雖然不幸),都是這樣吧? 現(xiàn)在呢? 公司和政府就縮在角落里,像個新來的小孩,看到別人拿了更酷的積木,就在那兒噘嘴。 DeepSeek 明明是個絕好的機會,能讓科技行業(yè)重煥生機,加速發(fā)展。 美國公司就躺在功勞簿上睡大覺,好像自己永遠是冠軍似的。 要是有誰做得更好,他們就哭著喊著說技術被偷了,根本不想著去競爭。
真是他媽的蠢到家了。 想想有競爭的增長能創(chuàng)造多少就業(yè)機會啊。 CEO 們應該慌了神,趕緊準備真刀真槍地干一場。 結(jié)果呢? 他們就知道哭著喊著找議員塞錢,想讓市場競爭變成非法。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 26
I love OpenAI complaining about someone stealing their training data. It's like, "okay, and where did you get that data from?"
我真是太愛看 OpenAI 抱怨別人偷他們訓練數(shù)據(jù)了。比如說:“好吧,那你的數(shù)據(jù)又是從哪兒來的?”
likes: -17
Still, they took a lot of public data and did a ton of work to make it into something useful to AI. If you steal the data they made, after they put in all the work, that's not doing the same thing as scraping public data, that's intellectual property theft / theft of the work they did.
I'm not saying OpenAI is in the free and clear for their training data in the first place, but these are two significantly different actions.
但說實話,他們確實用了大量的公開數(shù)據(jù),也花了很多功夫,才把這些數(shù)據(jù)變成對 AI 有用的東西。 你要是偷了他們做出來的數(shù)據(jù),那跟抓取公開數(shù)據(jù)不一樣,那是偷知識產(chǎn)權,偷他們勞動成果。
我不是說 OpenAI 一開始搞訓練數(shù)據(jù)就完全沒問題,但這兩件事兒性質(zhì)完全不一樣。
likes: 19
OpenAI literally stealing copyright works even using torrent to download books and train their models. It ia not just public data. It is not different
OpenAI 明明就是明搶版權作品,甚至用 BT 下載盜版書來訓練模型。 根本不是什么“公開數(shù)據(jù)”。 性質(zhì)完全一樣。
likes: 22
I think back to the 00s and thinking it couldnt get worse than Cheney, W, the Clinton scandal, hanging chads, or NCLB.
Then, despite a few repreives, it did get worse.
我回想起 2000 年前后,當時覺得切尼、小布什、克林頓丑聞、“懸而未決的選票”、還有“不讓一個孩子落后”法案,已經(jīng)夠糟糕了。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
likes: 47
Just like the Huawei ban, Chinese Electric Cars ban, TikTok ban, and now TP-lix routers are facing a ban too.
You get a ban! And you get a ban! EVERYONE GETS A BAN!
就像華為禁令、中國電動車禁令、TikTok 禁令一樣,現(xiàn)在 TP-lix 路由器也要被禁了。
你被禁了!你被禁了! 大家都有份,人人有禁令!
likes: 76
"The greatest country in the world." "The land of free speech." "The American dream." "The land of opportunities." LMOO
“世界上最偉大的國家”,“言論自由之地”,“美國夢”,“機會之地”。 笑死我了。
likes: 34
Prisoner 1: “Whatcha in for?”
Prisoner 2: “I asked a chatbot to draft a birthday invitation.”
Prisoner 1: “You sick fuck!”
囚犯 1:“你犯啥事兒進來的?”
囚犯 2:“我讓聊天機器人幫我寫了個生日邀請函?!?br /> 囚犯 1:“你這變態(tài)!”
likes: 13
I had no interest in DeepSeek until they told me I can’t have it…
我對 DeepSeek 本來沒什么興趣,直到他們告訴我我不能用...
likes: 47
Everyone worldwide should just mirror/seed the APK and make it too easy to find. For americans, easy is still too much effort. Make it too easy.
Crazy how within ten days the world is now looking at America as the existential threat to everything and China as the one that could save us.
全世界都應該鏡像/做種 APK,讓它變得極容易找到。 對美國人來說,就算很容易的事情對他們來說也還是太麻煩。 要讓它變得“極其”容易 才行。
likes: 26
It’s been that way for a while now. The US has never been a force of good.