America Is Building Factories Again. But Who Will Work in Them?
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German here. Like a lot of people right now we actually have the feeling that the world is getting out of hand and that things here seem to slip in a wrong direction. That you mentioned Germany as a good example made me really happy. It made me realize that we are not sucking at everything. Thank you for that. Made my day
Germany is in a complicated situation, and mostly because the older generation did not have enough babies. But Germany is still and will remain a great country even if its importance will decline with time.
Unfortunately, Germany's industries cannot be competitive with the high cost of energy. The United States has a big advantage of having sufficient energy resources locally...
As a former industrial electrician and now an electrical engineer, I am happy and proud to see this. We need more of this here in America.
Studying electronics engineering here. Are we, Electrical/Electronics will still have high demand in the future?( assumin competent)
@omniyambot9876 , I assume we will as automation and IoT becomes more diffused and popular.
@@udlrrldu621 , the cost of not having them is much higher. It has been a while, but if I remember it right, the cost of a breakdown at a Ford plant I worked at was $20,000 a minute. Most companies face similar losses due to breakdowns. That is why they are more than willing to pay 70k a year for an electrician.
You can make a good living as a blue collar worker. Not everybody needs a college degree to become successful. The problem stems from the constant push to get kids into college with school counselors promoting the "Work smart, not hard" agenda as if working in a trade is something to be ashamed of.
I agree but you have a generation of folks that were told that the only way we were going to be successful was if we became engineers, doctors, IT, or lawyers. So now we have a ton of highly educated people with specific degrees coupled with the lowest living affordability of any modern generation, and that's why trade skills don't seem viable. Trying to raise a family on $60,000 a year seems like a struggle to most people nowadays
College isn't meant for everyone and the trades are where it's at! Many people get useless degrees and huge loans, I know plenty of people like that. I got my engineering degree and now I'm 28, earn $115k, no debt, and work fully remote! But how many can be and excel as engineers? I've let many of my cousins know the trap that is college and to be realistic with their ability and willingness. If it's not a fit then I push them to the trades, military, or civil service. No need to work in an office if you're barely making more than min wage.
Because for the last 30 years, all the trade jobs moved overseas to places like China.
No trade jobs here in America so they had to market the 4 year college thing.
Then they found out most college grads can't find work.
The real battle will be building the housing supply needed for this workforce. You shouldn't have to be a doctor or a partner at a law firm to be able to afford a house with air conditioning, more than one toilet, and a commute that's 30 minutes or less.
Pay a liveable wage and finding qualified quality employees will be easy. Keep paying below what could sustain a household in today's market and you'll continue to get overwhelmed, overworked candidates. Working 2-3 jobs is common now , and there are a lot of people living in their vehicles just so they can save money.
Wage depends on how valuable your skills set is and how irreplaceable you are... companies don't owe you anything, it's your job to sell your skill...
There are many Jobe that pay very well for blue and white Collar skills that are harder to replace, from software development to industrial welding
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Most factory jobs pay pretty well actually compared to service sector jobs. People really only work 2 or 3 jobs when they don't work full time for each of them. At most it's a full time job and a part time.
Everyone loves to scream about paying a living wage, but when it comes time to put their money where their mouth is, suddenly their principles disappear. The hard truth is this: wages aren’t just set by employers—they’re set by consumers. If you want higher wages, you have to be willing to pay for them. But are you?
American labor costs more—plain and simple. Businesses in the U.S. pay higher wages, deal with strict regulations, offer benefits, and cover massive overhead costs. That means American-made products cost more. If people actually cared about wages, they’d be actively choosing American-made goods over cheap imports, no matter the price difference. But when it comes down to it, when there’s a
50American?madeproductnexttoa10 foreign import, most people will grab the cheap one without a second thought. And then they turn around and complain that workers aren’t making enough. That’s hypocrisy.
The truth is, the real minimum wage is what people are willing to pay for goods and services. Every time someone chooses the cheaper, foreign-made option over an American product, they are directly contributing to lower wages and outsourcing. They are the reason American factories shut down. They are the reason businesses struggle to compete while foreign companies thrive on cheap labor and lax regulations. You can’t demand “l(fā)iving wages” while constantly voting with your wallet against them.
If people were serious about fair wages, they’d be demanding and buying American-made products, even when they cost more. But instead, they take the easy way out, grabbing the cheapest option and then acting shocked when jobs disappear and wages stagnate. The reality is simple: people choose what workers get paid with their own purchases. If they aren’t willing to support American businesses with their money, they have no right to complain when those businesses can’t afford to pay more.
I work in a semiconductor factory, and most of us do on the job training, the programing and electrical engineers need nothing more than a certification or associates degree. And these are microchips for vehicles and medicals things. So you dont neccescarly need skilled workers, you need people who will show up to work.
This is the American Business Standard: make the public sector pay for the privilege of hosting a business. It works in sports (taxpayers pay for stadiums, etc but can't afford a ticket to the game) and a multitude of other industries that receive public funding both directly and indirectly including in the example of this video, publicly paid worker training. Since Germany is alluded to as a prelude, let's look at the other half of the equation. The German state heavily subsidizes businesses but also collects corporate taxes that would be considered outrageous by American standards. Furthermore, German businesses are not permitted to simply pull up stakes and ships factories overseas, nor are they allowed to oppose unxs. They are required to put employees first and business opportunities second. Overpaid executives are a rarity. Frankly, I am becoming sickened by the business and opportunity crowd demolishing all cooperative institutions on the altar of profit.
I also understand that unx members sit on some of the corporate boards, so there is a mutual understanding of what is needed, for the company and the employees to succeed.
I personally think that we have it backwards in the US. Stockholders and CEO always come first, and the employees are way somewhere far down the line. The formula needs to be flipped. Stockholders and CEOs should be rewarded ONLY after the workers because employees are the ones who make a company successful.
It's what happens when you allow corporations to make law and billionaires to buy the Supreme Court, and then do NOTHING about it because as an 80-year-old man, you still love Reaganomics.
I've worked in industrial maintenance and engineering for 30+ years. Was beginning to think I was one of the last. Still kinda do. We need to focus on vocational training and get wages to where they're attractive to capable people.
In 1980 my high school, H B Beal looked exactly like the technical college in this piece. We even had a TV studio. Then a couple decades later they tore out all of the machine shops, mechanics and electronics. What a catastrophically bad idea that was.
1980年,我的高中H B Beal看起來就像這篇文章中的技術(shù)學(xué)院,我們甚至有一個電視工作室。然后幾十年后,他們拆除了所有的機(jī)械車間、機(jī)械和電子設(shè)備,那是一個災(zāi)難性的壞主意。
I wonder if in the future they will get funding to build back some of what was lost. Even if they started with just one trade, it would be better than nothing and it would greatly contribute to industry.
The most stable and prosperous society is the one with 80% of the people working various skilled manufacturing jobs.
Only around 10% are needed in management and those are the ones who possess a 4 year college degree.
This is exactly the set-up in America before they moved manufacturing plants overseas.
Glad they are trying to bring that back.
There are lots of so called white collar jobs that really could be apprenticeships…long apprenticeships but still done without the need for going through a university filter…nursing and medicine for example could be honestly done through an apprenticeship…yes…a long one but they are more technical and hands on…that’s what a residency is after all…an apprenticeship…all medical fields could be done that way…my only concern is that if all education is strictly tuned to a specific employer, what happens when that employer goes out of business then? It needs to be a skill more general than that, so students can start their own businesses if they choose…apart from that…this is one of the best answers clearly…
Community college in my area has had manufacturing certification programs for years now. This type of work is in demand and there are pathways that will hold your hand right up until your hired. At least here in northern Nevada.
America is an experienced nation in this regard. They have traditions which can't be undone that fast. The real problem is worker's shortage. The unemployment rate is very low and there isn't enough workers. Fortunately America has experience in dealing with such problems as well. The US is one of the top destinations in the world for skilled labor. They will import their shortages and they will do so quickly.
Trade Schools, Technical Schools, Machine Operators, Plumbers, Welders, HVAC Techs, Masons. These are the people that build the civilization we all live in.
Office workers and paper pushers have their place but if things get bad it'll be them that are least valuable to society is all I'm saying. That being said some college degree's like Nursing and similar medical jobs are absolutely as essential.
I believe this is amazing because this generation is being influenced on easy money. While having a manufacturing career could be a stepping stone for anyone to pursue what they really want. We still need a labor force because if we don’t we will be replaced by machinery. I had my fair share in hard labor but I transition to opening a business. We all have to start somewhere. Shout out to Tennessee, more states need to be creative like this
This just seems like a corporate subsidy. Basically paying for the unproductive training period a company usually would be responsible for when they hire a new worker. Why limit this to only manufacturin then? Lots of corporate white collar work can use this too. I imagine a lot of companies would offer internships if the goverment was footing the bill.
In 1944 manufacturing job was 38% of non-farm payroll (data from St Louis Fed) 15% at Peak Japan in the 1980, but only 8% in 2022, or about 13M. To get back to 15% you'll have to get another 13M more into manufacturing jobs. In deed from where ?? especially when unemployment rate is low.
I am Chinese American. Although China benefits greatly on globalization, I strongly believe that globalization has gotten OUT OF HAND. The people in a nation should be the primary focus of the business producing and supplying goods for the nation. It is NOT about finding the cheapest or most efficient locations to do your business and only use your nation as market for the product dumping. We as the people of America, should produce and consume the products. Only if there is a rare case that we need to get from abroad, such as minerals or other specific products, should we engage in global trade. We do not block global trade. But it must be a STRICT SUPPLEMENT to our daily enterprise!